1. History of mining ores in North Bohemia coal basin. 2. Basic terms in recultivation. 3. Mining and recultivation. 4. Overview of recultivation methods. 5. Principles of improvements to nature close status within succession. 6. Methods of recultivation process (amelioration, vegetation). 7. Legislation, planning of recultivation. 8. Biotechnical recultivation methods. 9. Prepare and technical parts of recultivation. 10. Ecological, social and economic views. 11. Forms and types of recultivations - examples. 12. Hydric recultivations, examples. Excursion will be held to recultivation lake Milada and Most lake. Outcomes - principles, forms and types of recultivations - ecological, social and economic views
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Štýs Stanislav. Země znovuzrozená. Most, 2015.