Course: Methods of ecosystems studies

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Course title Methods of ecosystems studies
Course code KZP/1MSE
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study 1
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Holcová Diana, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Boháč Jaroslav, doc. RNDr. DrSc.
Course content
1. Abiotic compounds of ecosystems and its study. 2. Biotic compounds of ecosystems studies and its study. 3. Primary and secundary production - methods of study. 4. Long term monitoring of ecosystem changes. 5. Dynamic equilibrium in ecosystems - methods of study. 6. Plant communities, mapping of plant communities, phytocenology and its using in areas disturbed by human activities. 7. Animal communities - methods of study. Zoocenology and its using in areas disturbed by human activities. 8. Monitoring of environment in areas affected by human activities. 9. Populations and communities of animals as indicators of biodiversity. 10. Landscape study (mapping of the net of ecological stability in landscape). 11. Landscape study (development of systems of ecological stability in landscape). 12. Other methods of landscape study (remote sensing). 13. Landscape character - methods of identification. 12. Landscape identification by ECOVAST method. 13. Landscape identification - practical utilization. 14. Time reserve or optional topics.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Recommended literature
  • Begon M., Harper J., Townsend C.R. (1986). Ecology. Individuals, populations and communities. Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Bejček V., Šťastný K. a kol. (2001). Metody studia ekosystémů. ČZU Praha..
  • Boháč, J. (2011). Implementace metody náhrady přírodních zdrojů v ČR ? dlouhodobá těžba a její následky. In: Brtnický M., Brtnická H., Foukalová J., Kynický J. (eds.), 2011. Degradace a regenerace krajiny. Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Brno, 2011, 186-193.. Brno, 2011.
  • Bunce R.G.H., Ryszkowski L. (1993). Landscape ecology and agroecosytems. Lewis Publishers, London, Tokyo, etc..
  • Dykyjová D. et al. (1989). Metody studia ekosystémů. Academia, Praha..
  • Forman R.T.T., Godron M. (1993). Krajinná ekologie. - Academia, Praha. [český překlad]..
  • Hadač E. (1982). Krajina a lidé. Academia, Praha..
  • Hron F. (2003). Metody studia ekosystémů. ÚJEP, Ústí nad Labem, učební text oboru revitalizace krajiny.. 2003.
  • Jarošík V. (2005). Růst a regulace populací. Academia, Praha..
  • Jeffrey D.& Madden B. (eds.), 1991. Bioindicators and environmental management, Academic Press, San Diego etc., 458 pp ..
  • Jeník J. (1995). Ekosystémy (Úvod do organizace zonálních a azonálních biomů). Univerzita Karlova, Praha,.
  • Krivolutski D. A., 1993. Bioindication in towns and surrounding zones. Nauka Publ. House, Moscow, 305 pp..
  • Lepš J. (1996). Biostatistika. Jihočeská univerzita, Č. Budějovice (scriptum)..
  • Löw J., Míchal I. (2003). Krajinný ráz. Lesnická práce, Kostelec nad Č. Lesy.. null. null, null. ISBN null.
  • Ložek V. (1973). Příroda ve čtvrtohorách. Academia, Praha..
  • McPherson G. R. & DeStefano S., 2003. Applied ecology and natural resource management. Cambridge University Press, 165 pp..
  • Moravec J. et al. (1994). Fytocenologie. Academia, Praha..
  • Munawar M., Hänninen O., Roy S., Munawar N., Kärenlampi L. & Brown D. (eds.), 1995. Bioindicators of environmental health, Ecovision World Monograph Series, SPB Acad. Publ., Amsterdam, 1995, 264 pp..
  • Petříček V. (ed.) (1999). Péče o chráněná území I., II. AOPK, Praha..
  • Prach K. (2001). Úvod do vegetační ekologie (geobotaniky). Jihočeská univerzita, České Budějovice (scriptum)..
  • Riecken U., 1992. Planungsbezogene Bioindikation durch Tierarten und Tiergruppen. Grundlage und Anwendung. Bundesforschunsanstalt für Naturschutz und Landschaftsökologie, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 187 pp..
  • Rusek J (ed.)(2000). Biodiversity of soil organisms and ecosystem functioning. AV ČR, České Budějovice..
  • Salanki J., Jeffrez D. & Hughes, G.M. (eds.), 1993. Biological monitoring of the environment. A manual of methods. CAB International, Wallingford, 158 pp..
  • Sklenička P. (2003). Základy krajinného plánování. Naděžda Skleničková, Praha..
  • Spellerberg I. F., 1995. Monitorování ekologických změn.ČÚOP - VaMP, Brno, 187 s..
  • Storch D., Mihulka S. (2000). Úvod do současné ekologie. Portál, Praha..
  • Straalen N. M. & Krivolutsky D. A., 1995. Bioindicator systems for soil pollution. NATO ASI Series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 261 pp..
  • Vačkář D. (ed.), 2005. Ukazatele změn biodiverzity. Academia, Praha, 239-248..
  • Zillioux E., Newman J., Larkin P., Mrak T., Boháč J., Sammarco P., Wheaton J., Lange T. & Burger J., 2006. The cover story. Environmental Bioindicators, 1: 6-21..

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Environment Study plan (Version): Revitalization of Lanscape (C_3) Category: Special and interdisciplinary fields 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer