Předmět: Modeling of ozone deposition flux into the forest ecosystem in conditions of climate change

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Název předmětu Modeling of ozone deposition flux into the forest ecosystem in conditions of climate change
Kód předmětu KZP/1MODE
Organizační forma výuky Přednáška
Úroveň předmětu Doktorský
Rok studia nespecifikován
Semestr Zimní a letní
Počet ECTS kreditů 15
Vyučovací jazyk Angličtina
Statut předmětu Povinně-volitelný
Způsob výuky Kontaktní
Studijní praxe Nejedná se o pracovní stáž
Doporučené volitelné součásti programu Není
  • Zapletal Miloš, doc. Ing.
Obsah předmětu
1. Basic information about the atmosphere. Composition and vertical division of the atmosphere. 2. Formation of ground-level ozone in the atmosphere. Characteristics of ground-level ozone. Influence of ozone precursor emissions on ozone concentration in the atmosphere. 3. Physical, chemical and biological factors influencing the concentration of ozone in the air. 4. Ozone transport through the atmosphere, ozone sinks and outlets. 5. Atmospheric ozone deposition. Physical, meteorological and chemical processes leading to ozone deposition flux. 6. Atmospheric ozone deposition on a local and regional scale. Atmospheric ozone deposition in the Czech Republic and in the world. 7. Micrometeorological methods for measuring ozone deposition flux. Gradient method. Eddy covariation method. 8. Modeling of total and stomatal ozone flux. Resistance models. Models of stomatal ozone uptake. Ozone transfer models. 9. Evaluation of the impact of ozone on the forest ecosystem. The role of monitoring. Air pollution monitoring and monitoring networks. Ozone pollution limits (AOT40, POD). 10. Influence of stomatal ozone flow on net ecosystem production. 11. Natural and anthropogenic influences on climate change. Impact of climate change on future ozone and reactive nitrogen deposition. 12. Effects of ozone on the forest ecosystem in the context of climate change. 13. Influence of reduction of precursor emissions on ozone concentrations in the years 2030 to 2100. Projection of reduction of NOx and VOC emissions in the Czech Republic. Biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds.

Studijní aktivity a metody výuky
Výsledky učení
Odborné znalosti
The student will gain an overview of: - on the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the deposition flux of ozone into the forest ecosystem - theoretical basis of modeling and measurement of ozone deposition flux - assessment of the impact of ozone on the forest ecosystem - the impact of climate change on emissions of ozone precursors - the influence of the deposition flow on the state of the forest ecosystem The student is able to practically perform: - measurement of ozone deposition flux into the forest ecosystem - modeling of ozone deposition flux into the forest ecosystem in conditions of climate change - modeling and evaluation of the impact of ozone flux on net ecosystem production - calculation of the critical dose of ozone and evaluation of its impact on the health of the forest ecosystem - evaluation of scenarios of ozone concentration and flux development in conditions of climate change.
Doporučená literatura
  • BRIMBLECOMBE, P., HARA, H., HOULE, D., NOVAK, M. (Eds.). Acid Rain ? Deposition to Recovery. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2007.
  • LEFOHN, A.S. Surface level ozone exposure and their effects on vegetation. LEWIS PUBLISHERS, INC. Chelsea, 1991.
  • Zapletal, M., Cudlín, P., Chroust, P., Urban, O., Pokorný, R., Edwards-Jonášová, M., Czerný, R., Janouš, D., Taufarová, T., VEČEŘA, Z., MIKUŠKA, P., PAOLETTI, E. Ozone flux over a Norway spruce forest and correlation with Net Ecosystem Production. Environmental Pollution 159, s. 1024-1034. 2011.
  • ZAPLETAL, M., EDWARDS-JONÁŠOVÁ, M., JURÁŇ, S., URBAN, O., POKORNÝ, R., PAVELKA, M., JANOUŠ, D., CUDLÍN, P. Effect of ozone concentration on net ecosystem production: A case study in a Norway spruce forest. In: URBAN, O., KLEM, K. (eds.): Global Change & Ecosystems: Predictions on Terrestrial Ecosystems, 1. Global Change Research Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, 2015.
  • ZAPLETAL, M., POLÁŠEK, M. odnocení přízemního ozonu ve vztahu k muzejním sbírkovým předmětům, lidské populaci a vegetaci. Opava: Slezské zemské muzeum, 2015.
  • ZAPLETAL, M., PRETEL, J., CHROUST, P., CUDLÍN, P., EDWARDS-JONÁŠOVÁ, M., URBAN, O., POKORNÝ, R., CZERNÝ, R., HŮNOVÁ, I. The influence of climate change on stomatal ozone flux to a mountain Norway spruce forest. Environmental Pollution 169, s. 267-273. 2012.

Studijní plány, ve kterých se předmět nachází
Fakulta Studijní plán (Verze) Kategorie studijního oboru/specializace Doporučený ročník Doporučený semestr