1. Ecosystems, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services. 2. Biodiversity, methods of estimating its state, biodiversity indices. 3. Types of diversity; diversity of organisms and landscapes at different spatial levels; the role of biodiversity in the fulfillment of basic ecosystem functions (production, evapotranspiration, water theory) in the landscape. 4. Fragmentation and landscaping as the main current causes of permanent biodiversity loss; possibilities of revitalization of biodiversity in natural, close to nature and unnatural habitats. 5. Climate, climate, weather, variability, changes, trends, global and local factors affecting climate. 6. Prediction of changes in land use and threats to biodiversity and fulfillment of basic ecosystem functions in conditions of climate change using modeling. 7. Possibilities of increasing the ecological stability of the cultural landscape and revitalization of anthropogenically formed segments of the landscape (leaving to spontaneous development, controlled succession, reclamation) and their impact on biodiversity. 8. Indicators of the effectiveness of revitalization measures in terms of biodiversity conservation and the provision of ecosystem services. 9. Recommendations for landscape planning to support biodiversity from the point of view of precaution. 10. Case studies (global, local).
GARDNER, Robert H., Robert V. O'NEILL a Monica Goigel TURNER. Landscape ecology in theory and practice: pattern and process. New York: Springer, 2001. ISBN 0-387-95123-7.
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PERROW, M. R., DAVY, A. J. (eds.). Handbook of ecological restoration. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.
PRIMACK, R. B., KINDLMANN P., JERSÁKOVÁ J. Úvod do biologie ochrany přírody. Praha: Portál, 2011.
SKLENIČKA, P. Základy krajinného plánování. Praha: Vydavatelství Naděžda Skleničková, 2003.
VAN ANDEL, J., ARONSON, J. Restoration Ecology: The new frontiers. Malden: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012.