Course: Fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in forest ecosystems

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Course title Fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in forest ecosystems
Course code KZP/1FMNI
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Doctoral
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction English
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Macháčová Kateřina, RNDr. Mgr.
Course content
After a theoretical introduction to the methodology of studying greenhouse gas flows from soils, trees and forest ecosystems, we will focus on practical acquaintance and testing of methods for measuring gas exchange. Students will learn to install measuring systems for investigation of gas fluxes from tree stems and soils, and to operate a portable greenhouse gas analyzer and other measuring devices for additional study of environmental parameters. Furthermore, with the assistance of the lecturer, they will measure CH4 and N2O fluxes from stems and soils and learn to evaluate these data (calculation of CH4 and N2O fluxes and their further processing). During the final colloquium, students will present the measured results in the form of a short scientific lecture followed by a joint discussion. At the end, the students will be examined orally. Content: Introduction to the research topic of greenhouse gas exchange with focus on methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in forest ecosystems (overview of the processes of production, consumption, conversion and transport of both gases within soil and woody plants, the role of soil and woody plants as sources and sinks in ecosystem exchange, the role of other components of forest ecosystems, etc.). An overview of the basic methods used to study CH4 and N2O fluxes in forest ecosystems. Installation of chamber systems for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes from trees and soil, work with a portable greenhouse gas analyzer, measuring greenhouse gas fluxes, measuring ancillary environmental parameters. Procedure of processing measured data and calculation of greenhouse gas fluxes from tree trunks and soil, their comparison, evaluation of results.

Learning activities and teaching methods
learning outcomes
After completing the course the student will know the basic aspects of basic aspects of cycling and exchange of CH4 and N2O at the level of soil, trees and forest ecosystems; have an overview of the basic methods used in field research of greenhouse gas fluxes; be able to prepare and implement measurements of CH4 and N2O exchange from soil and tree trunk, including supporting measurements of environmental parameters; be able to calculate CH4 and N2O fluxes, further evaluate the measured data and draw conclusions from them; be able to present and discuss measured results; understand the importance of the issue and research of CH4 and N2O exchange in soil and trees on a larger scale.
Recommended literature
  • BARBA J, BRADFORD MA, BREWER PE, BRUHN D, COVEY K, VAN HAREN J, MEGONIGAL JP, MIKKELSEN TN, PANGALA SR, PIHLATIE M et al. Methane emissions from tree stems: a new frontier in the global carbon cycle. Phytologist 222: 18?28. 2019.
  • COVEY KR, MEGONIGAL JP. Methane production and emissions in trees and forests. New Phytologist 222: 35?51. 2019.
  • MACHACOVA K, BACK J, VANHATALO A, HALMEENMAKI E, KOLARI P, MAMMARELLA I, PUMPANEN J, ACOSTA M, URBAN O, PIHLATIE M. nus sylvestris as a missing source of nitrous oxide and methane in boreal forest. Scientific Reports 6: 23410. (metodologie). 2016.
  • MACHACOVA K, MAIER M, SVOBODOVA K, LANG F, URBAN O. ryptogamic stem covers may contribute to nitrous oxide consumption by mature beech trees. Scientific Reports 7: 13243. 2017.
  • MACHACOVA K, URBAN O. Role dřevin při výměně metanu a oxidu dusného/Role of trees in methane and nitrous oxide exchange. In: Skleníkové plyny z půdy a zemědělství (eds. Šimek M et al.). Academia, Praha, p. 168-172, 2019. ISBN 978-80-200-3011-5.
  • MACHACOVA K, VAINIO E, URBAN O, PIHLATIE M. easonal dynamics of stem N2O exchange follow the physiological activity of boreal trees. Nature Communications 10: 4989. 2019.
  • MAIER M, MACHACOVA K, LANG F, SVOBODOVA K, URBAN O. Combining soil and tree-stem flux measurements and soil gas profiles to understand CH4 pathways in Fagus sylvatica forests. of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181: 31? 35. 2018.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester