Skills: Students will obtain basic knowledge in the field of ecology, and applied ecology, climatology, climate science (science of impacts of climate change), orientation in the terms such as normal, anomaly, extreme, and their practical applications, ability to evaluate the benefits of ekosystém resilience, evaluate their productive and non-productive functions in relation to the changing environmental conditions. Content: Basic (socio-economic) scenarios of climate by the end of the Century, impacts on the characteristics/dynamics/statistics of extreme weather, enhancing/diminishing feedbacks, global carbon cycle, ecosystem resilience and regeneration, basics of ecology and applied ecology, human relationship towards nature.
BARNOSKY, AD., HADLY E. Tipping Point for Planet Earth: How Close Are We to the Edge?. William Collins, Velká Británie., 2016.
HOUGHTON, J. Globální oteplování. Academia, Praha, 1998. ISBN 80-200-0636-2.
KOVÁŘ, P. Ekosystémová a krajinná ekologie. Karolinum, Praha, 2014. ISBN 9788024627885.
MÍCHAL, I. Ekologická stabilita. 2., rozš. vyd. Brno: Veronica, 1994. ISBN 80-85368-22-6.
Vrábliková J. a kol. REVITALIZACE ANTROPOGENNĚ POSTIŽENÉ KRAJINY V PODKRUŠNOHOŘÍ, 2. část. Ústí nad Labem, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7414-085-3.