Course: Rhytmic Gymnastics and Dance

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Course title Rhytmic Gymnastics and Dance
Course code KTV/4210
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 2
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kabešová Hana, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Petrů Dominika, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Musically motion training (motional expression of metre, beat, counting of strokes). Selected examples of videorecords of different motional composition, dividing students into working groups 2. Musically motion training (motional expression of beat, dynamics, rhythm, form). Choosing of subject of motional composition, selection of music. 3. Practicing of postures and movement of body and its parts according to the concord with correct body posture and correct technique of gymnastic moves. Basic principles of creating motional composition, motion improvization to the different types of music. 4. Jumps, turnarounds, balance exercises. Basics of creating motional motives individual work of students. 5. Basics of technique of jumping over the jumping rope and rim during exercises with music. Basics of creating motional compositions individual work of students. 6. Basics of technique of exercises with cones and balls. Training of motional composition. 7. Using of other equipment when exercising with music. Final customizations, preparation of presentation. 8. 9.Leading of different forms of exercises with music, basic dancing steps, preparation for credit requirements. 1. 11.Czech folk dances and its methodical training. 12. - 13. Country dances and its methodical training. 1. - Demonstration of credit requirements, selected dances.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to understand the laws of motion consistent with the music, an overview of various forms of exercise with music in relation to age peculiarities; basic technique exercises with and without equipment in compliance with the aesthetic requirements for gymnastic movement and the development of rhythmic sensibility students. Students will learn basic dance steps Czech folk and country-dances, including the methodology of training and get an overview about the various other dance styles.
Student: - Is able to lead exercises with different aim (with or without equipment) with musical accompaniment - Can individually create motional motives - Can handle basic dancing steps of folk dances - Knows selected elements and figures of country dances - Can choose elements of gymnastic or dancing character when creating motional composition on the base of gained knowledge and skills
There are no specific requirements.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation during lessons, preparation and managing exercise with music according to selected thematical spheres. Successfully created kinetic motives, knowledge of basic aspects of creating gymnastic or dance motion composition public show. Proved knowledge about basic dance moves of folk and country dances successful demonstration of selected dances.
Recommended literature
  • Bonuš, J., & Bonušová, J. Country tance 1. a 2. včetně CD.. Praha: Dvorana, 1994.
  • Bonušová, J. Pojďte všichni dokola. Včetně CD.. Praha: Dvorana, 2008.
  • Bursová, M. Kompenzační cvičení.. Praha: Grada, 2005.
  • Drdácký, F. Lidové tance. včetně CD. Praha: Olympia, 1986.
  • Horkel, V. & Horklová, H. Rozvoj koordinačních schopností v gymnastice. In Havel, Z. & Hnízdil, J., et al. Rozvoj a diagnostika koordinačních a pohyblivostních schopností. (pp. 94 ? 111).. Banská Bystrica: PF UMB., 2010.
  • Horkel, V. & Horklová, H. Rozvoj pohyblivosti.. In. Havel, Z. & Hnízdil, J. et al. Rozvoj a diagnostika koordinačních a pohyblivostních schopností (pp. 169 ? 174). Banská Bystrica: PF UMB., 2010.
  • Horkel, V. & Horklová, H. Rozvoj rychlostních schopností v gymnastice.. In. Havel, Z. & Hnízdil, J. et al. Rozvoj a diagnostika rychlostních schopností (pp. 119 ? 138). Ústí n. L.: UJEP., 2010.
  • Horkel, V. & Horklová, H. Rozvoj vytrvalostních schopností v gymnastice.. In. Havel, Z. & Hnízdil, J. et al. Rozvoj a diagnostika vytrvalostních schopností.(pp. 166 ? 175). Ústí n. L.: UJEP., 2012.
  • Horkel, V. & Horklová, H. Silové schopností v gymnastice.. In. Havel, Z. & Hnízdil, J. et al. Rozvoj a diagnostika silových schopností (pp. 100 ? 108). Ústí n. L.: UJEP., 2009.
  • Horklová, H. Rytmická gymnastika a tanec.. In Horkel, V. et al. Teorie a aplikace školních vzdělávacích programů v tělesné výchově (pp. 127 ? 136). Ústí n. L.: UJEP, 2012.
  • Knížetová, V., & Kos, B. Strečink, relaxace, dýchání.. Praha: Olympia., 1989.
  • Kos, B. Lidové tance ve školní TV.. Praha: SPN, 1976.
  • Kostková, J. et al. Rytmická gymnastika.. Praha: Olympia, 1990.
  • Krištofič, J. Gymnastická průprava sportovce.. Praha: Grada, 2004.
  • Macáková, M. Aerobik.. Praha: Grada, 2001.
  • Mihule, J., & Šťastná, D. Rytmická gymnastika.. Praha: UK FTVS., 1993.
  • Novotná, V. et. al. Gymnastika jako tvůrčí akt.. Praha: Karolinum, 2012.
  • Novotná, V., Panská, Š, & Šimůnková, I. Rytmická gymnastika a pohybová skladba.. Praha: UK FTVS, 2011.
  • Šťastná, D. Náčiní v moderní gymnastice ? DVD.. Praha: UK FTVS., 1990.
  • Vašák, J. Country tance.. Praha: Presston., 1995.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Physical Education (A14) Category: Physical education and sport 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Physical Education (A14) Category: Physical education and sport 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Physical Education (A14) Category: Physical education and sport 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Physical Education (dual-subject study) (A14) Category: Physical education and sport 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer