Course: Anthropomotorics

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Course title Anthropomotorics
Course code KTV/4125
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 2
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Hnízdil Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Škopek Martin, PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Balkó Štefan, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Items of lectures: 1. Introduction to kinatropology. Importance of locomotion. Role of school P.E. Characteristics of human locomotion. 2. Characteristics of human locomotion. Classes of human locomotions. Ranges of human locomotions. Structural side of physical exercises. 3. Typical signs of human locomotion. General signs of locomotion. Holistic signs of locomotion. 4. Motor skills. Their classification. Motor skills adoption. Motor learning. Transfer. Diagnostics of motor skills. 5. Evaluation of P.E. and sport activities. Testing and measurement. Motor tests and their structures. Kinds of test systems. Adjudication. Selected adjudication methods. Scaling. Possible mistakes during scaling. 6. Somatic assumption for physical performance. Somatotype. Motor typology. Somatotype´s measurement. Components mesomorphological, ectomorphological, endomorphological. 7. Laterality and its sign in P.E. and sport. Lateral preferances and dominating features. Laterality manifestation. Diagnostics. 8. Achievement and performance. Types of performance. Secular trend. Sport performance. 9. Physical fitness. Types of physical fitness. Healthy orientated physical fitness, components, diagnostics. 10. Principles and patterns of motor development. 11. Motor development of human being in childhood. New-born age. Infant age. 12. Babyhood. Pre-school age. School age. Daily routine. Throwing, kicking, bouncing and catching. Walking, running, jumping. Swimming. Pubescence. Motor development in pubescence age. Motor development. 13. Adolescence. Motor development. Bisexual differences. Development of motor achievement. 14. Adult age (3 stages) and old age (3 stages). Themes of seminars: 1. Introduction, system of work. Statistic data classification and their basic statictic processing. Position rates and rates of variability. Common rate´s division. 2. Testing of independent hypothesis independent selections 3. Testing of statistic hypothesis dependent selections (Test for paired reading) 4. Diagnostic test n.1. Testing of endurance abilities. Calculation and interpretation of product-moment correlation coefficient rank-order correlation coefficient. 5. Motor achivement´s evaluation and standardization 6. Adjudication and Scaling. 7. Motor skills ´diagnostics. Fourfold and contingency table - c2 test. Numeral proceeding with percentage. 8. Diagnostic test n.2. Non-parametric tests: 2 goodness of fit test, sign test, Kruskal Wallis test. 9. Achievement of general population. Top level achievement, bisexual differences. Wilcoxon test. Mann- Whitney test 10. Validity of motoric tests. Reliability of motoric tests. 11. Test batteries. Unifittest, Eurofittest.Questionnaire standardization validity and reliability. 12. Diagnostic test. n. 3. Preparation for the exam. 13. Credit seminar. Summarizing diagnostic test. 14. Resit.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the study-unit is to gain knowledge about the laws of motor characteristics, skills and abilities in physical culture and sports, while understanding the causes of their development in otogenesis. Students will be able to solve empirical research on issues of physical culture and sport after completion, evaluate the results of statistical methods in a processing of their seminar papers and thesis.
Student is able to solve questions connected with issue of motor attributes, skills and abilities in physical culture and sports. He understands causes and relatedness in human ontogenesis. He is able to solve empirical research from the area of PE and sports, evaluate results with statistical methods when dealing with seminary, diploma and other works. .
Is a prerequisite for completion of the course " Movement skills develpoment and regeneration" to the content of the theory of movement skills the subject of "antropomotorika" builds.

Assessment methods and criteria
a) a clear understanding on the exercise of the presented topics, student is prepared by lectures or basic literature b) continuous knowledge of procedures of mathematical statistics to plan seminars c) processing seminar task
Recommended literature
  • ČELIKOVSKÝ, S. Antropomotorika pro studující tělesnou výchovu. 2. vydání. Praha: SPN. 1990.
  • DOVALIL, J. Výkon a trénink ve sportu.. Praha: Olympia, 2000.
  • HAVEL, Z., HNÍZDIL, J. et al. . Rozvoj a diagnostika silových schopností, Ústí nad Labem: UJEP PF 2009. ISBN: 978-80-7414-189-8..
  • HAVEL, Z., HNÍZDIL, J. Rozvoj a diagnostika rychlostních schopností. Ústí n. L.: PF, 2010. ISBN: 978-80-7414-323-6..
  • HAVEL,Z.,HNÍZDIL,J. Rozvoj a diagnostika koordinačních schopností a pohyblivosti. 1.vyd. Ústí nad Labem: UJEP PF, 2010.s 176 s..
  • HNÍZDIL,J., HAVEL,Z., aj. Rozvoj a diagnostika vytrvalostních schopností.1.vyd. Ústí nad Labem: PF UJEP,2012. s .130-137..
  • HNÍZDIL,J., HAVEL,Z. Cvičení z anpropomotoriky: Matematicko - statistické postupy. online 2007.
  • KASA,J. Športová kinantropologie.Bratislava: SVSTVŠ, 2000.
  • MĚKOTA, K., BLAHUŠ, P. Motorické testy v tělesné výchově. Praha SPN,. 1983.
  • MĚKOTA, K., KOVÁŘ, R. Unifittest (6-60). Ostrava PF Ostravské univerzity,1996.. 1996.
  • MĚKOTA,K., NOVOSAD,J. Motorické schopnosti. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2005..
  • ZVONAŘ, M., aj. Vybrané kapitoly z antropomotoriky. Brno, 2010.
  • ZVONAŘ, M., DUVAČ, I. Antropomotorika pro magisterský program tělesná výchova a sport. Brno, 2011.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Physical Education and Sport (A14) Category: Physical education and sport 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter