1. Introduction, basic organizational measures. Didactic principles and forms of sports games. 2. Basketball, preparatory exercises and games suitable for 1st grade pupils. 3. Basketball, preparatory exercises and games suitable for 1st grade pupils. Basic rules of basketball. 4. Basketball, preparatory exercises and games suitable for 1st grade pupils. Systematics in basketball. Didactic outputs of students. 5. Volleyball and ringo, preparatory exercises and games suitable for 1st grade pupils. 6. Volleyball and ringo, preparatory exercises and games suitable for 1st grade pupils. Basic rules of volleyball and ring. 7. Volleyball and ringo, preparatory exercises and games suitable for 1st grade pupils. Didactic outputs of students. 8. Football (futsal), preparatory exercises and games suitable for 1st grade pupils. 9. Football (futsal), preparatory exercises and games suitable for primary school pupils. Basic rules of football (futsal). 10. Football (futsal), preparatory exercises and games suitable for 1st grade pupils. Systematics in football. Didactic outputs of students. 11. Floorball, preparatory exercises and games suitable for primary school pupils. 12. Floorball, preparatory exercises and games suitable for primary school pupils. Basic rules of volleyball. 13. Floorball, preparatory exercises and games suitable for primary school pupils. Systematics in floorball. Didactic outputs of students. 14. Test of basic rules of games. Credit and control lesson.
The aim of the course is, on the one hand, to improve the existing game skills in sports games, which are included in physical education classes. Furthermore, to acquaint students with the basic didactic principles and methodologies of training individual game activities through preparatory exercises, game exercises and preparatory games in individual games, which are intended for primary school pupils.
The student will know the basic rules of the games discussed. The student will be able to select and include preparatory exercises and preparatory games that are suitable for practicing individual sports games. The student will be able to independently conduct a TV lesson with the correct classification of individual exercises during physical education at the first stage of elementary school.
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