Hitka Patrik, MUDr.
Pánek Martin, MUDr. Ing.
Course content
Seminar topics: 1. Introduction, organization of contemporary neonatology and perinatology 2. Observation of the newborn after birth, evaluation of the newborn after birth, hospitalization, screening 3. The first treatment of a newborn. Neonatal resuscitation. 4. Newborn nutrition - natural/artificial/alternative, MM banks 5. Physiology of the newborn period, developmental periods 6. Pathology of the newborn period. Developmental defects of the newborn. 7. RDS syndrome, UPV, Newborn with low birth weight
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Expertise: The student can define a physiological newborn, can more comprehensively describe the difference between a physiological and a pathological newborn, can evaluate the condition of a newborn using various evaluation scales suitable for newborns, can list the advantages of breastfeeding, explain the principles, advantages and methods of oxygen therapy, orients himself or herself in the applicable legislation in the care of the mother and the child, can describe the rules and principles of providing resuscitation to newborns. Professional skills: The student can perform basic nursing procedures for a newborn (first treatment of a newborn, resuscitation of a newborn), can evaluate the adaptation of a newborn, initiate timely and high-quality resuscitation of a newborn, choose appropriate scaling techniques for a newborn. General qualifications: The student is able to clearly and convincingly convey information to the woman about the nature of professional problems and propose their solution.
Assessment methods and criteria
85% active participation in classes, oral credit from circuits from TPA to SZZ
Recommended literature
FENDRYCHOVÁ, J., BOREK, I. et al. 2012. Intenzivní péče o novorozence. 2. vyd. Brno: NCO NZO. ISBN 978-80-7013-547-1. ISBN 978-80-7013-547-1.
MITROVÁ, K., BRONSKÝ, K.. Vědecké důkazy o prospěšnosti výživy mateřským mlékem. Česko-slovenská pediatrie. 69(1), 39-46. 2014. ISSN 0069-2328.
MYDLILOVÁ, A. Kojení donošených novorozenců. Česká gynekologie: Doporučené postupy v neonatologii. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně. 76 (1), 95-97. ISSN 1210-7832..
POKORNÁ, A., KAMENÍKOVÁ, M., DVOŘÁKOVÁ, V., 2016. Možnosti podpory kojení (laktačního poradenství) z pohledu laické i odborné veřejnosti. Pediatrie pro praxi. 17(5), 313-317. ISSN 1803-5264.
STRAŇÁK, Z., CHRÁSKOVÁ, J., LAMPLOTOVÁ, L., 2014. Základy neonatologie pro porodní asistentky. Ústí nad Labem: FZS Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem. ISBN 978-80-7414-727-2. ISBN 978-80-7414-727-2.
STRAŇÁK, Z., JANOTA, J. 2015. Neonatologie. Praha: MF. ISBN 978-80-204-3861-4. ISBN 978-80-204-3861-4.
WHO. Infant and Young Child Nutrition: Global Strategy on infant and young child feeding. ? 2014. [online].[cit. 8. 9. 2016]. Dostupné z: http://www.who.int/nutrition/ topics/global_strategy/en/.