The course acquaints students with the basics of standardization of Czech health care and compares it with the requirements of external and internal assessors. The course explains individual concepts related to the standardization of health services, the development of standards of medical and nursing care. In the practical part it provides students with the possibility to use theoretical knowledge, especially when creating specific standards, setting indicators and planning audits.
Subject knowledge: The student is able to describe individual models of quality management, can explain the concept of accreditation and certification in health care, knows the legislative framework of standardization of care, including economic aspects and international context. Subject skills: The student is able to create quality standards of healthcare, can set and evaluate selected indicators, plan internal audits and evaluate audit reports in relation to the total DSU, respecting the justification of documentation and the need for its management. The student is able to prepare and lead training for internal auditors.
BOTZEM, S.; DOBUSCH, L. Standardization cycles: A process perspective on the formation and diffusion of transnational standards. 2012. Organization Studies, 33(5/6).
CETLOVÁ, L. Hodnotící a měřící škály pro nelékařské profese. VŠ Polytechnická Jihlava 2012, ISBN 978-80-87035-45-0.
JOINT COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL. Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Hospitals. 5th Edition. 2013 JCI.
KONTROVÁ,L., ZÁČEKOVÁ,M., HULKOVÁ,V. Štandardy v ošetrovatelstve. Martin: Osveta, 2005. 2005. ISBN 80-8063-198-0.
KURTIN, P.; STUCKY, E. Standardize to excellence: Improving the quality and safety of care with clinical pathways. 2009. Pediatric Clinic of North America.
MADAR, J. et al., 2004. Řízení kvality ve zdravotnickém zařízení. Praha: Grada Publishing. ISBN 80-247-0585-0. ISBN 80-247-0585-0.
MARX, D.; VLČEK, F. Národní akreditační standardy pro nemocnice. Praha, 2005.
ŠECLOVÁ, S. Průvodce ošetřovatelskou dokumentací od A do Z. Grada Publishing, a.s., 2002. 392 s. ISBN 80-247-0278-9.
ŠKRLA, P., ŠKRLOVÁ, M. Kreativní ošetřovatelský management. Praha: Advent-Orion, 2003. ISBN 80-7172-841-1..
VÁLKOVÁ, M. Hodnocení kvality poskytovaných zdravotních služeb. IPVZ Praha, 2015.
VEBER, J., a kol. Management kvality, environmentu a bezpečnosti práce: Legislativa, systémy, metody, praxe. 2. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Management Press 2010, ISBN 978-80-7261-210-9.