Human Resource Management is used to growth of the organization performance. They can be divided into two groups. The first relates to activities carried out in cooperation with HR managers and individual managers. Second to cross-cutting activities undertaken in collaboration with top management. Personnel management functions those are falling into first category include support and professional help of the managers in the performance of personnel management functions to enhance business performance. In carrying out these activities (primarily designing jobs, selecting employees, setting personal performance targets for employees and assessing them, motivating and developing individual employees and their groups and managing specialized projects related to personnel and organizational changes), executives are generally responsible for their factually correct and timely implementation, personnel management for their professional and methodological preparation, advisory assistance, cost control and established principles of personnel activities, etc. The second type of personnel management functions are cross-cutting activities. These include in particular: - choice of adequate methods of personnel management. Some of the personnel methods are universal in nature and have a positive effect on any organization. For others, their effectiveness is tied to the nature of the organization and its business strategy, and their optimal form must therefore be chosen. Areas where personnel management methods need to be adapted to the company's situation include, in particular, the criteria for determining the basic salaries of employees, methods of measuring and evaluating their performance and the choice of methods used to increase their productivity. - standardization of personnel management procedures. The aim is to determine and unify the personnel procedures of the company, ie the main professional principles of personnel activities, mutual powers and responsibilities of managers and personnel management, principles of control of personnel activities, etc. The principles of individual personnel processes, their performance, management and control should respond to the main weaknesses that human resources management in the organization faces. - analysis and development of employees' performance, skills, work habits and work behavior. An important role of personnel management lies in its co-responsibility for the development of performance preconditions - abilities, behavior and work attitudes of employees, and the recommendation of ways to strengthen these preconditions. These recommendations may relate not only to development measures, but also to the adjustment of working conditions, the method of evaluation and remuneration, the adjustment of certain work tasks, changes in the powers and responsibilities of jobs, etc. - monitoring and development of management actions of managers. The task of human resources management is to monitor the actions and attitudes of managers, evaluate its effectiveness and propose possible changes.
Expertise: Within study of the subject, the student will acquire broad knowledge of human resources management within all types of healthcare organizations. Professional skills: The student will be able to coordinate from the position of manager operation of the medical facility, monitor its personnel, professional and economic development and coordinate the activities of individual professions.
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