Lecture topics: 1. Introduction to the study of obstetrics, birth canal, bony pelvis, soft birth canal, hormonal regulation of pregnancy, pregnancy and its regulation 2. Physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman - development of the placenta, fetal membranes, fetus 3. Prenatal care of a pregnant woman, diagnosis of VVV, prenatal screening 4. Three-level system of care, maternal mortality and morbidity, CTG 5. Placement of the fetus in the uterus at the end of pregnancy - external and internal examination 6. Spontaneous birth - birth periods, birth mechanism 7. Physiological postpartum period, lactation. Newborn ? physiological newborn, first treatment of a newborn Exercise topics: 1. Pregnancy - origin and development, diagnosis of pregnancy, changes in pregnancy, risk factors affecting a woman Exercise: Assessing the needs of a pregnant woman and solving them 2. Prenatal care PA, dispensary for pregnant women, pregnancy card, preparation for childbirth Exercise: pregnancy card, palpation examination, OPP 3. Beginning of labor - when to go to the delivery room, reception for the birth Exercises: documentation at admission for childbirth, palpation of the abdomen, vaginal examination, CTG, designing the next procedure in the care of the woman 4. I. period of labor - physiological course of I. DP, the role of PA in caring for the woman - pain relief (non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods), positioning of the woman, support of the physiological mechanism of birth, the role of the companion in childbirth, keeping documentation Exercises: non-pharmacological options for pain relief, relief positions suitable for I. DP, assessment of a woman's FF during I. DP, CTG assessment, amniotic fluid assessment 5. II. period of labor - physiological course II. DP, labor management PA, documentation management Exercises: preparation of drapes and birth sieve, management of latent and active phase II. DP, appropriate positioning of the mother 6. III. period of labor - physiological course III. DP, assessment of bleeding, assessment of birth injuries and their treatment, active delivery management of the placenta and mechanisms of its separation, documentation management IV. delivery period ? checking the woman after giving birth, keeping documentation, subsequent transport / release of the woman Exercise: caring for a woman during III. delivery time, preparation and application of drugs, suture treatment, control of the wrapping of the uterus after childbirth 7. Care of a midwife for a woman in the period of six months, education, lactation counseling Practice: education during the six-month period, lactation counseling
The subject is a profiling theoretical-practical subject that provides to the graduates comprehensive knowledge from the care about a women during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium. It includes obstetrics from a clinical point of view (anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system of women, physiology of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period). Part of the course are practical seminars, which are the basis of complex subjects. The aim of the subject is to prepare a Midwife for clinical and private practice in midwifery, to understand professional knowledge and use methods, concepts of nursing care in obstetrics in practice.
Expertise: The student will be able to describe soft and hard ways of birth, understand the regularities of the concept including its hormonal regulation, define pregnancy changes in the woman's body, characterize childbirth and the puerperium Professional skills: The student collects anamnestic data of a pregnant woman, educates a pregnant woman about a suitable lifestyle, provides specific care to a woman during delivery, explains the puerperium's importance of breastfeeding
BINDER, T. et al. Porodnictví.Praha: Karolinum, 2011. 297 s.. Praha: Karolinum, 2011.
ČECH, E., HÁJEK, Z., MARŠÁL, K ET AL. Porodnictví. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1313-0. ISBN 80-247-1313-0.
HÁJEK, Z. et al. Rizikové a patologické těhotenství. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2004. 444 s. ISBN 8024704188.. ISBN 8024704188.
KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ: NANDA. ošetřovatelské diagnózy - Definice a klasifikace 2009-2011. Praha: Grada Publishing 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3423-1.. ISBN 978-80-247-3423-1.
LEIFER, G. ET AL. Úvod do porodnického a pediatrického ošetřovatelství. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004. ISBN 80-247-0668-7.. ISBN 80-247-0668-7.
ROZTOČIL, A ET AL. Moderní porodnictví. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2008. 978-80-247-1941-2.. ISBN 978-80-247-1941-2.