Lecture Topics: 1. Anatomy of female reproductive organs, breast. 2. Period of woman life, development of female genitalia and its disorders (possible genetic disorders). 3. Menstrual and ovulatory cycle, neurohumoral regulation of menstrual and ovulation cycle. 4. Menstrual cycle disorders (possible genetic disorders). 5. Examination methods in gynecology. 6. Contraception, family planning. 7. Pelvic floor, irregular positions of gynecological organs, Urogynekology. 8. Inflammatory diseases of reproductive organs, endometriosis. 9. Climacterium. 10. Operations in gynecology. 11. Surgical gynecology - small gynecological procedures 12. Surgical gynecology - big gynecological procedures Exercise Topics: 1. The role of midwife in gynecological ambulance. The role of midwife in a children-gynecologist's surgery. 2. Areas of education in gynecological ambulance. 3. The role of midwife in gynecology - obsterics department 4. Prevention in individual periods of woman, role of midwife 5. Preparation of a woman for examination in gynecology, role of midwife 6. The role of midwife in the issue of family planning, contraception 7. Midwife care for a woman with menstrual disorders 8. Midwife care for a woman with uterine prolapse 9. Midwife care for a woman with climacteric syndrome 10. Midwife care for a sterile / infertile woman, role of PA in the issue of assisted reproduction 11. Care of midwifery for a woman in a small gynecological performance 12. Care of midwifery in the framework of a great gynecological performance - preoperative preparation, postoperative care
The subject is both theoretical and practical unit for midwives who také care for a woman during her life. The course is a part of a complex of basic professional subjects for field Midwifery, which introduces students to the latest findings in the clinical field of gynecology. Big attention is dedicated to the primary prevention, which is an important part of the midwife in ensuring women's health in all ages, not only in health but in disease too. From the pathophysiological states, the subject is dedicated to those which are crucial to the quality of life of a woman. The knowledge of clinical gynecology, urogynecology, oncogynecology, gynecology of childhood is followed by nursing care, which is provided in the form of a nursing process that respects the individuality and uniqueness of the woman. The aim of the course is the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in real contact with women.
Expertise: The student proves general knowledge in the field of physiology and pathology of the female reproductive system. Student explains the menstrual cycle of a woman. The student is able to name the basic examination methods used in the field of gynecology and he/she can evaluate the parameters of the results. The student is well oriented in hormonal disorders of the female reproductive system. Professional skills: The student is able to evaluate by physical examination the current state of a woman in a gynecological clinic. The student is able to implement the nursing process by the women with uterine prolapse. The student is able to prepare and evaluate the education of a woman with climacteric syndrome.
CIBULA, D., PETRUŽELKA, L. a kol. Onkogynekologie. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-80-247-2665-6. ISBN 978-80-247-2665-6.
CITTERBART, K. Gynekologie. 2.vyd. Praha: Galén, 2008. ISBN: 978-80-7262-501-7.. ISBN 978-80-7262-501-7.
FAIT, T., DONÁT, J., JENÍČEK, J., BURDOVÁ, M., ZAHRÁDKOVÁ, J., KOLIBA, P. sen. Doporučení pro hormonální substituční terapii v postmenopauze, In Moderní gynekologie a porodnictví. 2010/ 2. s. 167:169.
FAIT, T. Klimakterická medicína. Praha: Maxdorf, 2013. ISBN: 978-80-7345-342.. ISBN 978-80-7345-342.
FAIT, T., ŠNAJDEROVÁ, M. Moderní farmakoterapie v gynekologii a porodnictví. Praha: Maxford. 2017. ISBN: 978-80-7345-482-1.. ISBN 978-80-7345-482-1.
KOLIBA, P. et al. Propedeutika v gynekologii a porodnictví pro PA. Ostrava: Zdravotně sociální fakulta Ostrava, 2004, ISBN 80-7042-353-6.. ISBN 80-7042-353-6.
MAŠATA, J. Infekce v gynekologii. Praha: Maxford, 2017. 3.vyd. ISBN: 978-80-7345-531-6.. ISBN 978-80-7345-531-6.
PILKA, R. a kol. Gynekologie. Praha: Maxford, 2017. ISBN: 978-80-7345-530-9. ISBN 978-80-7345-530-9.
ROB, L. MARTAN, A. CITTERBART, K. Gynekologie, 2. přepracované vydání, Praha: Galén, 2008. ISBN: 978-80-7262-501-7.. ISBN 978-80-7262-501-7.
ROZTOČIL, A. Moderní gynekologie. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 978-80-247-2832-2.. ISBN 978-80-247-2832-2.