Lecture Topics: 1. Introduction, general and special surgery, surgery. 2. Examination methods in surgery. Fundamentals of anesthesia and analgesia. 3. Basic surgical techniques. Morning injuries, burns. 4. Surgery of head and neck, chest and mammary gland. 5. Surgery of the abdomen. Polytrauma. Injuries in pregnancy. 6. Sudden abdominal events, inflammations. 7. Tumor diseases - operative. Exercise Topics: 1. Surgery sections and equipment. Operating theaters. Preparing a pregnant patient for surgery. 2. Work of PA in the operating room, tasks in the field of preoperative, perioperative and postoperative care of a pregnant woman 3. Care for a pregnant woman with impaired consciousness after injury. 4. Nursing care for a pregnant woman with intestinal obstruction, is obstructed. Nursing care for pregnant woman with cholecystitis. 5. Nursing care for pregnant woman with pancreatitis. 6. Nursing care for pregnant woman with acute appendicitis. 7. Nursing care of pregnant woman after breast surgery.
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