Course: Professional training II.

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Course title Professional training II.
Course code KSZD/OP2P5
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Ospalíková Iveta, Mgr.
Course content
2. year. Professional training II.; III.: gynaecological bed ward work place (operational gynaecology, one day surgery, conservative gynaecological care), obstetrics bed ward work place (a delivery room, a six -week period department, the risky and pathological pregnancy department, a delivery room, a six -week period department, a newborn department). The aim and content of SP during the 2nd year: The aim of the professional training during the 2nd year is developing theoretical knowledge, understanding the organization and structure of bed wards focused on caring after women with diagnosed gynaecological disorders, for pregnant women, women giving the birth or in six-week period and newborns. Under the guidance of an academic employee or a mentor for a clinical training, students provide specific care in a form of a nursing process. They identify and understand the current needs of women and patients; they take part in the observation of medical condition of women and their education. They develop practical skills important for a birth assistant; they discuss the results of their activities with a responsible person. They manage the record book of a professional training and activities covered by the legislation (spontaneous birth management, spontaneous birth assistance, nursing, overall state observation and examination of a woman in a six - week period, nursing and caring after a physiological newborn, the care and observation over women with risky and pathological pregnancy). SP3 is finished with a practical exam under the assistance of an academic employee, a mentor of a clinical training or the head nurse from the facility.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject professional training is a practical subject and it takes place at accredited facilities in the form of a block education continuing at least one week. Professional training is focused on health support and the prevention of disorders in an ambulatory nursing care. The requirement for successful passing of a professional training is student's theoretical knowledge and practical skills synthesis and application. Professional training takes place in ambulatory facilities. The content of the professional training follows the instruction 39/2005 regulating the field of birth assistance.
Students apply theoretical knowledges and manual skills, which they have obtained in subjectes as Nursing and Nursing Techniques. They learn how to use these knowledges and skills in real conditions.
Achievement of Nursing I. and Nursing Techniques I. requirements

Assessment methods and criteria
Credit requirement for the IP is 100% attendace of the assigned training place (read the overview of the work places for the training withing the semesters), it is also managing the record book of a specialized training, collecting the evidence of practical activities and tasks necessary for the educational processes in birth assistance. The overview of performed and confirmed professional training includes the evaluation from the the training supervisor. Before starting the professional training the student should meet the requirements of health and fitness capability and vaccination against transmittable diseases in accordance with current legal norms. He should attend the educational seminar of work security and fire protection organized by the FHS.
Recommended literature
  • Vyhláška MZ č. 55/2011 Sb. o činnostech zdravotnických pracovníků a jiných odborných pracovníků, §5 Porodní asistentka..
  • Záznamník odborné praxe pro studenty FZS v Ústí nad Labem, studijní obor Porodní asistentka.
  • Binder, T. et al. Porodnictví.. Praha: Karolinum, 2011.
  • BOREK, I. FENDRYCHOVÁ, J. Intenzivní péče o novorozence.. Brno: NCO NZO, 2007.
  • FENDRYCHOVÁ J. Hodnotící metodiky v neonatologii.. Brno: NCO NZO, 2004.
  • NANDA INTERNATIONAL. NANDA - ošetřovatelské diagnózy. Definice a klasifikace 2009 - 2011. Praha: Grada Publishing. 2010. 480s.. ISBN 978-80-247-3423-1.
  • NEJEDLÁ, Z. Fyzikální vyšetření pro sestry.. Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1150-8.
  • SLEZÁKOVÁ L. Ošetřovatelství v chirurgii I. Praha: Grada Publishing. a.s. 2010. ISBN: 978-80-247-3129-2. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2010.
  • STROMEROVÁ , Z. Porodní asistentkou krok za krokem. Praha: Argo, 2010.
  • TRACHTOVÁ, E. Potřeby v ošetřovatelské praxi. 3. Vyd.Brno: NCO NZO 2012.
  • Trachtová. Potřeby nemocného v ošetřovatelském procesu. 1.vyd. Brno,IDVPZ, 185s.. 1999.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester