Doulík Pavel, prof. PaedDr. Ph.D.
Říčan Jaroslav, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lecture topics: 1. The position, mission and importance of scientific research. 2. The position, mission and importance of scientific research. 3. Introduction to the basics of research in practice. 4. Problem selection, goal formulation. Type of research problem, characteristics of the research field, formulation of partial goals, research questions and research hypotheses. Formulation of hypotheses and tools to verify them. 5. Overview of basic techniques for the collection of empirical material. Traditional methods in quantitative and qualitative research, eg observation, scaling, questionnaire methods, interviews, experiment, content analysis of texts, etc. 6. Overview of basic techniques for the collection of empirical material. Traditional methods in quantitative and qualitative research, eg observation, scaling, questionnaire methods, interviews, experiment, content analysis of texts, etc. 7. Sample selection and organization of data collection, specifics of the interviewer's work. 8. Verification of hypotheses and their interpretation. 9. Quantitative and qualitative methods of processing the obtained data. 10. Working with results and their interpretation. Basics of statistical processing of research data. 11. Work with professional literature, citations, elaboration of the final report. 12. Presentation and publication of results with emphasis on their practical application. 13. Presentation and publication of results with emphasis on their practical application. Seminar topics: 1. Introduction to methodology - specifics, personality of the researcher 2. Conception of own research - research problem, questions, hypotheses, research set 3. Qualitative and quantitative approaches in pedagogical research 4. Validity and reliability of research, research strategies, types of empirical measurement 5. Research techniques and methods 6. Observation 7. Questionnaire and scaling 8. Interview 9. Content analysis 10. Projective methods 11. Experimental methods 12. Didactic tests 13. Introduction to statistical processing of results
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The content of the course is to acquaint students with the basic issues of research (hypotheses, research set, validity, reliability) and then with traditional methods that are used in both quantitative and qualitative research. These are, for example, observation, scaling, questionnaire methods, interviews, experiments, content analysis of texts, etc. Students will get acquainted with the given methods on a theoretical level, but the emphasis is also on their practical application. The course is also aimed at acquainting students with the basics of statistical processing of research data.
Expertise: Students will understand the philosophical and propaedeutic foundations of research on pedagogical phenomena. Professional skills: Students are able to characterize individual research methods and techniques. They will be able to create a basic design of qualitatively and quantitatively oriented research study (formulation of a research problem, setting research goals, formulation of hypotheses, selection of a research sample, adequate choice of methods and techniques). Competences: Students master the basic procedures of statistical data processing so that they are able to evaluate research results and interpret them validly.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral and written exam
Recommended literature
GAVORA, P. Úvod do pedagogického výzkumu. Brno: Paido, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7315-185-0.. 2000. ISBN 80-85931-79-6.
HENDL, J. Kvalitativní výzkum: základní teorie, metody a aplikace. 3. vyd. Praha: Portál, 407 s. ISBN 978-80-262-0219-6.. ISBN 978-80-262-0219-6.
CHRÁSKA, M. Didaktické testy. Brno: Paido, 1999. ISBN 80-85931-68-0..
CHRÁSKA, M. K současným trendům pedagogického výzkumu ve světě. Olomouc: PF UP, 1995. ISBN 80-7067-469-5..
CHRÁSKA, M. Metody pedagogického výzkumu. Praha: Grada, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1369-4..
CHRÁSKA, M. Základy výzkumu v pedagogice. Olomouc: VUP, 2000. ISBN 80-7067-798-8..
MAŇÁK, J. et al. Kapitoly z metodologie pedagogiky. Brno: PF MU, 1996. ISBN 80-210-1031-2..
PELIKÁN, J. Základy empirického výzkumu pedagogických jevů. Praha: Karolinum, 1998. ISBN 80-7184-569-8..
PRŮCHA, J. Pedagogický výzkum. Praha: Karolinum, 1995, ISBN 80-71841323.
STRAUSS, A.; CORBINOVÁ, J. Základy kvalitativního výzkumu. Boskovice, 1999. ISBN 80-85834-60-X..
ŠKODA, J., DOULÍK, P. Zásady správné tvorby, použití a hodnocení didaktických testů v přípravě budoucích učitelů ..
ŠVEC, Š. et al. Metodologie věd o výchově. Brno: Paido, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7315-192-8..