Course: Management

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Course title Management
Course code KSZD/MAP5
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Mičíková Lucia, PhDr. Ing.
Course content
Topics of lectures: Week 1: Management theory, historical development, management schools Week 2: Management cycle, managerial roles and processes, strategic management Week 3: Organizational structure, organizational rules, culture of the organization, its influence and change Week 4: Human resources management, career planning, personnel work and personnel agenda Week 5: Information management in healthcare Week 6: Quality management, standards of care, quality of care, risk management, internal and external quality assessment Week 7: Risk management in healthcare Seminar topics: Week 1: Management schools and their application in the current management of a medical institution Week 2: SWOT analysis Week 3: Organizational structures of a certain type of hospital Week 4: Time management Week 5: Problem solving techniques - practical training Week 6: Information in the work of a manager Week 7: Ann. 99/2012 Sb. on personnel equipment, calculation of the necessary number of employees of individual categories

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is theoretically-practical. It introduces the basics of modern management in the field of material and human resources as well as the strategies of quality management in health and social services systems. Students will know the theory of quality management, the methods of standard creation for direct nursing care and auditive methods in midwifery. They will know the types of organizational structures and their realization in different types of institutions. They will understand the term "organizational culture" and the basic types of organizational cultures in relation to national and multinational companies. Students will train problem- solving techniques. The focus is also put on strategic management in health care services.
Subject Knowledge: Student knows the terms such as strategic management; he knows what influences an organization, its inner and outer environment. Considering the level of management he is able to identify the type of direction and the activities of the managers. He knows the techniques used for problem solving and managerial decision making. Student knows terms from the area of quality management and he is able to work regarding them in the quality management system, while realising internal and external quality evaluation of provided care. Student knows basic characteristics of organizational culture and the techniques used for organizational culture changing. In the field of human resources management the student knows how the career staff planning works, he knows the term "adaptation process" and he knows professional requirements for a nonmedical graduate. Student knows basic characteristics of a managerial cycle and managerial roles and processes. He is able to describe activities related to certain cycle stages. Professional Skills: Student is able to identify the vision of the institution and suggest the strategy. He is able to choose appropriate organizational structure considering the specific type of an institution and ensure personnel recruitment. He is able to identify current organizational culture and actively participate in influencing or changing it. He is able to choose sufficient problem solving technique and find the cause and solution to the situation. In the area of human resources the student is able to deal with adaptation process of the employees, and provide non-medical staff recruitment considering the need of certain medical fields and present legal norms. He is able to create a shift plan regarding the needs of the employees and the labour code. In a quality management system the student is able to prepare materials for internal audit, perform the audit and evaluate the results effectively.
Conditional subject was not determined

Assessment methods and criteria
Minimum 80% lecture and seminar attendance, a seminar project realization
Recommended literature
  • BARTÁK, J. Skryté bohatství firmy. Praha:Alfa Publishing ,2006.183s. ISBN 80-86851-17-6.
  • Bělohlávek, F., Košťan P., Šuleř, O.:. Management.. 2001.
  • BLAŽKOVÁ, M. Marketingové řízení a plánování pro malé a střední firmy. 1. vyd.Praha: Grada, 2007.278s. ISBN 978-80-247-1535-3.
  • CIMBÁLNÍKOVÁ, L. Základy managementu. Olomouc: UP v Olomouci, 2009. ISBN 978-80-244-2352-4.
  • Gladkij, I. Management ve zdravotnictví. 1. vyd. Brno: Computer Press, 2003. 380 s. ISBN 80-7226-996-8.. 2003.
  • GROHAR-MURRAY, M. E., DiCROCE, H. R. Zásady vedení a řízení v oblasti ošetřovatelské péče, z anglického originálu z r. 1997, 1. přeložené vyd. Praha: Grada, 2003, 320 s. ISBN 80-247-0267-3. Praha: Grada, 2003. ISBN 80-247-0267-3.
  • Handlíř, J. Management, učebnice pro SŠ a VOŠ, Computer Press Praha, 1998.
  • HEKELOVÁ, Z. Manažerské znalosti a dovednosti pro sestry. 1. vydání. Praha: Havlíčkův Brod, 2012, ISBN 978-80-247-4032-4..
  • IVANOVÁ, K. Základy etiky a organizační kultury v managementu zdravotnictví.1.vyd. Brno: Národní centrum.
  • JANEČKOVÁ, H., HNILICOVÁ, H. Úvod do veřejného zdravotnictví. Praha: Portál ,2009.294s.ISBN 978-80-7367-592-9.
  • JAROŠOVÁ, D. Základy managementu v ošetřovatelství. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita,Zdravotně - sociální Fakulta, výukový materiál, 2006..
  • Joint Commission International. Mezinárodní akreditační standardy pro nemocnice. Komentovaný oficiální překlad. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-80-247-2436-2.
  • PLEVOVÁ,I. a kol. Management v ošetřovatelství. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-6871-0.
  • Spojená akreditační komise. Akreditační standardy pro nemocnice - vydání účinné od 1. 1. 2014. Praha: SAK o.p.s. a TIGIS spol. s r.o, 2013. ISBN 978-80-87323-04-0.
  • STREJČKOVÁ, A. a kol. Veřejné zdravotnictví a výchova ke zdraví. Praha :Fortuna ,2007. ISBN 978-80-7168-943-0.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester