The course is designed as an exercise reflecting the pedagogical practice of students. The aim of the course is the preparation, implementation and reflection of teaching individual students in the position of a teacher in the conditions of a real class of a secondary medical school or higher medical school. The seminars are mainly focused on the analysis of own pedagogical practice, sharing of experience and practical knowledge, analysis of pedagogical phenomena and situations with which the student is confronted during the internship.
Expertise: The student is oriented in the Framework Educational Program, can work with the School Teaching Plan, is able to methodically process and practically implement a specific lesson. The student is able to apply the knowledge gained in the subject didactics to the environment of their own teaching practice. Professional skills: The student is able to design and conduct teaching in accordance with the requirements of the School Teaching Plan, the level of pupils or students, chooses appropriate teaching methods, adequate teaching aids. The student is able, based on self-reflection, wider discussion and confrontation with the views of other students, including the seminar leader, to draw conclusions leading to the correction of their own pedagogical activities Competences: The student is able to reflect on their own experience gained during practice, not only to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, but on the basis of their own self-reflection to adapt educational activities.
BENDL, S., KUCHARSKÁ, A. Kapitoly ze školní pedagogiky a psychologie: skripta pro studenty vykonávající pedagogickou praxi 1, 2008, Praha: Univerzita Karlova..
BLATNÝ, M. Psychologie osobnosti: hlavní témata, současné přístupy, 2010, Praha: Grada. ISBN 978-80-247-3434-7..
CICHÁ, M., DORKOVÁ, Z. Didaktika praktického vyučování zdravotnických předmětů 1, 2006, Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. ISBN 8024414171..
DYTRTOVÁ, R., KRHUTOVÁ, M. Učitel: příprava na profesi 1, 2009, Praha: Grada. ISBN 9788024728636..
HUPKOVÁ, M., PETLÁK, E. Sebareflexia a kompetencie v práci učitel, 2004, Bratislava: Iris. ISBN 8089018777..
KYRIACOU, Ch. Klíčové dovednosti učitele: cesty k lepšímu vyučování, 2008, Praha: Portál. ISBN 9788073674342..
LANGOVÁ, M. Učitel v pedagogických situacích: kapitoly ze sociální pedagogické psychologie, 1992, 1. Praha: Karolinum. ISBN 8070666137..
NEZVALOVÁ, D. Reflexe a pregraduální didaktická příprava učitele.. 2002.
PODLAHOVÁ, L. První kroky učitele.. Praha: Triton, 2004.
VALENTA, J. Manuál k tréninku řeči lidského těla: didaktika neverbální komunikace, 2004, 1. Kladno: ASIS. ISBN 802392575X..