The goal of the course is for student to acquire not only knowledge in the field of health education and individual methods of health education and their application in practice, but also the teaching method of teachers of this subject with a focus on different population groups and their specific peculiarities.
Expertise: Students have sufficient theoretical knowledge in the field of health education and are able to develop and implement health education teaching according to targeted and professionally based programs, while applying adequate knowledge of andragogy. Professional skills: Students will be able to prepare a plan and implement the teaching of the subject of health education at a medical school, develop a model intervention program for health protection and promotion, guide students in the development of programs, objectively evaluate the results achieved, determine the next direction and methods of health educ and carry out teaching. General qualifications: Students are qualified to teach in the field of health education as part of a separate subject and as part of other professional subjects, to participate in the coordination and implementation of intervention programs for the protection and promotion of health.
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