Course: Economics and Management of Non-profit Organizations

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Course title Economics and Management of Non-profit Organizations
Course code KPR/4334
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kroufek Roman, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
The course is determined by 6 pm. Contact teaching. Topics marked ztučněným letters be delivered within contact teaching. Other topics will be the subject of a separate study based on compulsory and recommended literature and study materials: Table of Contents: 1. Introduction and program of study, requirements for credit, study literature. 2. Characteristics of basic concepts. 3. The laws and school financing. 4. Sources of funding schools. 5. The budget of the school and its components. 6. The Fund contributory organizations. 7. Rules bookkeeping. 8. The financial statements. 9. Basic terms and remuneration rules. 10. Salary inventory. 11. Additional activities. 12. The inspection mechanism. 13. Presentation of seminar papers students. 14. Evaluation of seminars, test.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course introduces students to basic legal rules governing the funding of schools and basic activities that are necessary for ensuring the financial affairs of the school. Students will be introduced to basic concepts in finance and remuneration of schools. The content consists of an overview of basic concepts and rules for funding schools, students will be familiarized with sources of funding schools, the basic rules of budgeting schools and its use as the rules of bookkeeping and rewarding. Students also receive information about accounting, inventory and additional school activities. Students are familiar in the structure of the legislation, defines the basic concepts of financing and rewarding schools; characterize sources of funding schools, describe and explain the activities associated with the creation of the school's budget and its implementation. Can define the concept of accounting, its main purpose and principles can specify rules for rewarding schools; can explain the importance of functioning rules of complementary school activities. Students are able to explain the importance of monitoring mechanism and significance of control activities in the area of financing.
Student is oriented in the structure of the legislation, defines the basic concepts of financing and rewarding schools characterizes sources of funding schools, describes and explains the activities associated with the creation of the school's budget and its implementation. Can define the concept of accounting, its main purpose and principles can specify rules for rewarding schools, explain the importance and functioning rules of complementary school activities. Students are able to explain the importance of monitoring mechanism and significance of control activities in the area of financing.
The subject requires no specific prerequisites.

Assessment methods and criteria
1. Successful fulfillment of the final test (success min. 70%) 2. Processing essay - topic will be specified in the introduction to the subject. 3 Written processing of 3 selected tasks specified in the study support. 4. Active participation in contact teaching. Student working on assignments and tasks drawn cast in pre-announced deadline. Study support is available at: Guest access; password - host
Recommended literature
  • Nařízení vlády č. 469/2002 Sb., kterým se stanoví katalog prací a kvalifikační předpoklady a kterým se mění nařízení vlády o platových poměrech zaměstnanců ve veřejných službách a správě. Nařízení vlády č. 564/2006 Sb., o platových poměrech zaměstnanců ve veřejných službách a správě..
  • Odborné texty k modulu Ekonomika a finanční management. CŠM PedF UK.
  • Zákon č. 250/2000 Sb., o rozpočtových pravidlech územních rozpočtů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů..
  • Zákon č. 320/2001 Sb., o finanční kontrole ve veřejné správě a o změně některých zákonů (zákon o finanční kontrole), ve znění pozdějších předpisů..
  • Zákon č. 563/1991 Sb., o účetnictví, ve znění pozdějších předpisů..
  • JOUZA, L. Zákoník práce s komentářem.. Praha: Bova Polygon, 2007.
  • PRÁŠILOVÁ, M. Vybrané kapitoly ze školského managementu pro pedagogické pracovníky. Olomouc: UP, 2006. ISBN 80-244-1415-5.
  • VALENTA, J. Školské zákony a prováděcí předpisy s komentářem. Olomouc: ANAG, 2007.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching in Pre-schools (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter