Course: Preschool education II

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Course title Preschool education II
Course code KPR/4311
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 1
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Šlégl Jiří, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
The course is determined by 6 ours contact teaching. Topics marked ztučněným letters be delivered within contact teaching. Other topics will be the subject of a separate study based on the literature and study support. Table of Contents: 1. Introduction to the course, an introduction to the course content, literature and credit requirements and the exam. 2. Pre-school education, its objectives and tasks, the relationship preschool pedagogy to other sciences and pedagogical disciplines. 3. The child of preschool age and factors influencing the development of his personality. 4. Family and kindergarten. The transition from child to kindergarten families 5. Nursery School and its role in the present. Objectives and tasks kindergarten. Types of kindergartens. 6. Curriculum for preschool education and its changes in the present. Alternative education programs in kindergarten 7. Terms education of preschool children in kindergarten. Organization kindergarten. social climate kindergarten. 8. Planning of the educational process. Paths from the framework educational program for preschool training to school / class / education program. 8. Methods, forms and means of exploring the outside world. 9. Game as the basic activity of the preschool child. 10. Pedagogical assessment in kindergarten. Self-kindergarten. 11. Preparation of the child's entry into primary school - school readiness and its region. 12. Profession kindergarten teacher. Key competencies kindergarten teacher. Initial training of kindergarten teachers and trends in education both at home and in the EU. 13. Evaluation of seminar papers.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Subject Pre-school education II has give to students to know and understand the specifics of pre-school education, its subject and content in relation to other pedagogical disciplines. Students learn the forms and means of pre-school education, with mainly areas of education in nursery school, planning educational process in a nursery school with the context of the basics elements that enter into the design of teacher work and affect the organization of activities and climate in nursery school. Student orientates himself in the basic terminology preschool education, characterizes the quality and specificity of preschool children age, work with curricula for preschool education, apply theoretical knowledge to the development of school and class curriculum, theoretically and practically partially manages planning activities in nursery school by page content (material) as well as methodological and guiding class documentation. Specifies the concept of personality-oriented pre-school education, its objectives and basics areas of preschool education (preschool education component). Familiar with the basics competences nursery school teacher. It describes changes in initial teacher education nursery school with regard to the new trends in our country and in the world.
Student is familiar with the basic terminology of preschool education, characterizes the quality and specificity of preschool age children, working with school curricula for preschool education, apply theoretical knowledge to the development of school and class curriculum, theoretically and practically partially manages planning activities in the nursery school of content (material) as well as methodological and guiding class documentation. Specifies the concept of personality-oriented pre-school education, its objectives and key areas of preschool education (preschool education component). Familiar with the key competences kindergarten teacher. It describes changes in initial teacher education kindergarten with regard to the new trends in our country and in the world.
The subject requires no specific prerequisites.

Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in contact teaching. Processing and submission of written seminar work within the specified time. The form and extent of seminar work: working student / she surrenders within the deadline set in printed form writing on PC, min. 5 - max. 10 pages of text (work may contain attachments are numbered separately), 1.5 spacing - font Times New Roman, font size 12th Outline of work: 1. Introduction - of the issues. 2. Custom work. 3. Conclusion. 4. List of used literature. Design topics for seminar work: Curriculum kindergarten and innovation in the particular kindergarten. A child with special educational needs in kindergarten. Options group work in kindergarten. Educational projects in kindergarten. Child preparedness for entry into primary school. Education for democracy begins in kindergarten. Environmental education in kindergarten. The use of alternative elements of education in kindergarten. The school in the eyes of our preschool children. Education for tolerance in kindergarten. Promoting emotional and social development of a child in kindergarten. The theme of the seminar work can student / ka choose himself / herself.
Recommended literature
  • BEČVÁŘOVÁ, Z. Současná mateřská škola a její řízení.. Praha: Portál, 2003.
  • BRTNOVÁ ČEPIČKOVÁ, I. a kol. Kapitoly z předškolní pedagogiky III.. Ústí nad Labem, PF UJEP, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7044-941-7.
  • GARDOŠOVÁ, J., DUJKOVÁ, L. A KOL. Vzdělávací program Začít spolu.. Praha: Portál, 2012.
  • HAVLÍNOVÁ, M. a kol. Kurikulum zdravé mateřské školy. Praha: Portál, 2001.
  • HORKÁ, H.,SYSLOVÁ, Z. Studie k předškolní pedagogice. Brno, 2011. ISBN 978-80-210-5467-7.
  • KOŤÁTKOVÁ, S. Dítě a mateřská škola. Praha: Grada, 2008.
  • KOŤÁTKOVÁ, S. Hry v mateřské škole v teorii a praxi. Praha: Grada, 2006.
  • OPRAVILOVÁ, E., GEBHARTOVÁ, V. Rok v mateřské škole. Praha: Portál, 2003. ISBN 80-7178-847-3.
  • PRŮCHA, J. Alternativní školy a inovace ve vzdělávání. Praha: Portál, 2012.
  • ŠIKULOVÁ, R. A KOL. Kapitoly z předškolní pedagogiky II. Ústí nad Labem, PF UJEP, 2006. ISBN 80-7044-825-3.
  • ŠIKULOVÁ, R., ČEPIČKOVÁ, I., WEDLICHOVÁ, I a kol. Kapitoly z předškolní pedagogiky I.. Ústí nad Labem: PF UJEP, 2005.
  • ŠMELOVÁ, E. Mateřská škola a její učitelé v podmínkách společenských změn. Teorie a praxe II.. Olomouc: PF UP, 2006.
  • ŠMELOVÁ, E. Mateřská škola. Teorie a praxe I.. Olomouc: PedF UP, 2004. ISBN 80-244-0945-8.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching in Pre-schools (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer