Kroufek Roman, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
The course is determined by 5 pm. Contact teaching. Topics marked ztučněným letters be delivered within contact teaching. Other topics will be the subject of a separate study based on compulsory and recommended literature: Table of Contents: 1. Introduction to the course, course content, requirements for credit, study literature. 2. Educational system in the CR. The structure of the education system. General principles and aims of education. 3. Pre-school education in the school system in the Czech Republic. The legal status of the kindergarten system in the educational system and its financing. Terms and organizations operating kindergarten. 4. Basic orientation in legislation - a general overview. 5. Education Act preschool education. 6. the concept of school management. The importance and role of school management. 7. Basic management functions and their application to control the kindergarten. 8. Performance state and local government in education, competence director of the kindergarten. 9. Management of schools and school organizational structure. 10. Individual control acts in school, executive competencies and requirements necessary for a manager. 11. Elementary school's documentation. 12. Establishment and status of schools, legal forms. Specifics schools. 13. School founders, the founding charter, the particulars of the foundation deed School Register. 14. Evaluation of teaching and stored works, test.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Subject Legal Enactments and School Management is an introductory course focused on the management of schools. It introduces students with basic theoretical informations about management schools and provides an overview of relevant laws and regulations in the field of education. Students will obtain information about the status of schools in the educational system and legislation establishing schools. Closer will be acquainted with the management of nursery schools, with valid laws and regulations in the field of early childhood education and the specifics of the nursery school. The aim of the course is to provide a basic understanding of the theory of management school focused on management, including kindergarten orientation in the relevant legislation. Student orientates himself in basic legal norms in education and specifically can put basic rules and standards for the management of nursery schools. Defines the concept of school management and term school management, can explain the position of schools in the system, the educational system, knows the way the establishment of schools and compulsory legislation in the establishment of schools - deed of foundation. Identifies the basic requirements for becoming a school principal, director responsibilities and competences in school management. Can explain the specifics of nursery schools, organizational structure and describe the major pedagogical documentation that is required to keep the nursery school.
Student is familiar with the basic legal standards in education and specifically can put basic rules and standards for the management of kindergartens. Defines the concept of school management and school management concept, can explain the position of schools in the system, the educational system, knows the way the establishment of schools and compulsory legislation in the establishment of schools - deed of foundation. Identifies the basic requirements for becoming a school principal, director responsibilities and competences in school management. Can explain the specifics of nursery schools, kindergartens organizational structure and describe the major pedagogical documentation that is required to keep kindergarten.
The subject requires no specific prerequisites.
Assessment methods and criteria
The first successful completion of the final test. The content of the test corresponds to the course content (themes joint consultations, self based on mandatory and recommended reading and learning support). Criteria are met is min. 70% success rate. 3. 100% participation in contact teaching. Study support is available at: https://moodle.pf.ujep.cz/course/view.php?id=487 Guest access; password - host
Recommended literature
Vyhláška č. 14/2005 Sb., o předškolním vzdělávání, ve znění pozdějších předpisů. Zákon č. 250/2000 Sb., o rozpočtových pravidlech územních rozpočtů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů..
Vyhláška č. 263/2007 Sb., kterou se stanoví pracovní řád pro zaměstnance škol a školských zařízení zřízených Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy, krajem, obcí nebo dobrovolným svazkem obcí..
BEČVÁŘOVÁ, Z. Současná mateřská škola a její řízení.. Praha: Portál, 2003.
FANTOVÁ, V., ŠIKULOVÁ, R.. Pracovní a školské právo v praxi mateřské školy. Ústí nad Labem: UJEP, 2008.
JOUZA, L. Zákoník práce s komentářem. Praha: ANAG, 2013.
KUBIAS, S. Úvod do managementu. Liberec. Technická univerzita, 2001.
PITRA, Z. Základy managementu. Praha: Kamil Mařík - Professional Publishing, 2007.
PRÁŠILOVÁ, M. Vybrané kapitoly ze školského managementu pro pedagogické pracovníky. Olomouc: UP, 2006. ISBN 80-244-1415-5.
SYSLOVÁ, Z. a kol. Jak úspěšně řídit mateřskou školu. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2015.
VALENTA, J. Školské zákony a prováděcí předpisy s komentářem. Praha: ANAG, 2013.