Course: Methods of individual and group work

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Course title Methods of individual and group work
Course code KPR/4002
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 1
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Valášková Michaela, Mgr.
Course content
1. Introduction to individual social work. Theoretical sources (humanistic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychosocial approach, antiopressive access, reality therapy, ecological, systemic approach). 2.The contact with clients, establishing and creating a relationship, the success of the negotiations, the circumstances to make contact, control, support, order, problem determination, goal formulation, contract work in the natural environment. The interview, its advantages and disadvantages conversation, character, success in establishing a relationship. Judging people, distortion, interpersonal perception, specific types of clients in social work. 3.Diagnostics, its stage, searching and tracking social issues. Social history, social diagnosis, comprehensive investigation, visiting service, plan of action, keeping records. 4.Profesional ways of working: custody, supervision, persuasion, clarification, companionship, education, counseling (prevention, importance and principles of consulting work). 5. Social Therapy, types socioterapist client in mental crisis, therapeutic conversation, the key to the interview, constructive questions, discontinuation of therapy. Individually focused interventions, specific forms and types of intervention. 6.Alternative techniques, mediation, probation, IVR interactions. Special and instrumental techniques (training behavior, exchange of roles, confrontation, a change in perspective, Balint group, collage, etc.). 7.Difficult life situations, coping with difficult situations in life, durability, primary techniques (derived from direct aggression and simple escape). The boundary work with individual clients burnout. 8.Introduction in social group work. Basic concepts and characteristics of the group. Defining social group work in the system of social work methods. History group work. 9.Types and importance of the individual. Self-help and support groups, therapeutic groups. Development groups. Role in the group and the team. Role worker in the group, group organization, principles and rules of group work, leadership. 10.Choosen kinds of groups and work with them: Immigrants, refugees, foreigners, ethnic and national minorities, socially excluded people and people in a total institution, people with various types of addictions, social and cultural aspects of communication. 11.Technics of social group work I: psychodrama, sociodrama, encounter groups, art therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, discussion, brainstorming, critical thinking, simulation games, projects. 12.Technics of social group work II: Psychotherapy, streetwork supervision.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
This course introduces students to the field of contemporary individual and group social work and its history. Defines the theoretical background ( individual therapeutic directions in terms of working with the client) , the basic concepts of working with the client ( building a relationship , help , order, control , diagnosis of problems and objectives contract ) . How to conduct an interview , how to judge people (errors interpersonal perception , types of clients). Characterized documentation on clients ( diagnostics, its stage history ad . ) And ways of working , such as counseling (prevention , importance, principles ) and social therapy ( socioterapeuta types , therapeutic conversation , constructive therapy) . It does not leave the concept of intervention techniques in social work aimed at the individual and group (training behavior , ad exchange roles . ) . It introduces challenging life situations and ways of coping with it , as with the concept of resistance , the primary technique burnout . Within the group of social work focuses the second group, meaning, typology and development ( role in the group and worker role , group policies , management ) . The course focuses on the diverse types of clients ( members of ethnic minorities , socially excluded persons, in a total institution , dependents ) . Characterized techniques ( psychodrama , sociodrama , art therapy , music therapy , simulation games , street work , etc.).
Science knowledge - The student is able to define the concept of social work and describe its development in historical context - The student demonstrates the ability to explain the most important concepts and theoretical concepts, methodology of work with a client or clients - The student demonstrates the ability description of counseling and social therapy
Specialized skills - The student demonstrates the ability to get the client to engage him in conversation healthy, understand its order on the basis of cooperation and control its fulfillment. - The student is able to process information on practical solutions to social problems, can suggest a procedure, a way to deal with it separately. - Student is familiar with the documentation of the client (diagnosis, history of ad.)

Assessment methods and criteria
1. Participation in the excursion of your choice: remand prisons, shelters, special elementary school and others. 2. Short-term practical internship in the selected device from the current supply teacher. Active participation in the activities is offered equipment (possibility of preparing their own activities, volunteering, games, education, art workshops etc.) And completed certificate student's experience with the device, with clients about the positives and negatives associated with the activities. 3. 70% attendance at the lecture. 4. Study of learning support in e-learning system Moodle and recommended literature.
Recommended literature

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Music Education in Helping Professions Area (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer