Course: Political partisanship and interest groups in modern democracies

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Course title Political partisanship and interest groups in modern democracies
Course code KPOL/N102
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study 1
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Novotný Lukáš, doc. Dr. phil. M.A.
Course content
1. Introduction to the study of political parties and party systems, definition and definition of a political party. 2. Political parties and the concept of cleavages, the program of political parties and party families - development trends. 3. Selected development trends of political parties (catch-all parties, cartel parties, niche parties, business parties, etc.). 4. The process of modernization of political parties (professionalization, externalization) in a comparative perspective. 5. The problem of financing political parties. 6. Party systems - selected trends. 7. Party systems of selected countries. 8. Party and election marketing. 9. The structure of the party organization (party communication channels, bottom-up and top-down, efficiency, democracy, etc.). 10. Czech partisanship - changes in organization, membership, party elite and leadership. 11. Czech political parties and their party systems (party milieu, affiliated organizations, etc.). 12. The role of interest groups in modern democracies. 13. Interest groups and their activities in the Czech Republic.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to deepen students' knowledge in the field of research of political parties and interest groups. The course will bring a theoretical definition of research of political parties, party systems (typology, key authors and approaches) and interest groups, but will focus on the practical operation of Czech and selected European parties and interest groups with a focus on processes of modernization and professionalization of these parties, the problem with their funding or, for example, the so-called new populism. Attention will also be paid to the so-called new political parties, their foundations, the party milieu and the ability to settle in the party system for a long time, especially in the Czech Republic. The course involves students in specific observations of political parties and party milieu, e.g. in the form of analysis of internal party status (internal communication channels, bottom-up or top-down directions), observation of party activities such as conventions, media outlets, election marketing, etc. or analysis of parties at the local level. Attention will also be paid to the ideological and programmatic development of these parties and the analysis of party organization.
The student is able to use professional terminology. The student distinguishes individual theoretical approaches used in contemporary study of political parties. The student is familiar with the key topics of political parties.

Assessment methods and criteria
To successfully complete the course, it is required: 1) Pre-Exam Credit: active participation in seminars (at least 75%), to submit a seminar paper; 2) Exam: a written exam in the form of a test examines the student's ability to analyse and interpret selected issues of political parties on the basis of reading and studying professional literature; 3) active participation in solving assigned tasks.
Recommended literature
  • DUVERGER, M. Politické strany. Praha, 2016. ISBN 978-80-246-25.
  • HYNČICA, P. - MAŠKARINEC, P. - NOVOTNÝ, L. Euroskepticismus ve střední Evropě. Praha, 2016. ISBN 978-80-200-26.
  • MAŠKARINEC, P. - NOVOTNÝ, L. Strany a vládnutí v digitální éře. Vybraná témata výzkumu politického stranictví. Praha, 202. ISBN 978-80-200-30.
  • NOVÁK, M. (ed.). Úvod do studia politiky. Praha, 2019. ISBN 978-80-7419-2.
  • SARTORI, G. Strany a stranické systémy. Schéma pro analýzu. Brno, 2005. ISBN 8073250624.
  • STRMISKA, M. - HLOUŠEK, V. - KOPEČEK, L. - CHYTÍLEK, R. Politické strany moderní Evropy. Analýza stranicko-politických systémů. Praha, 2005. ISBN 80-7367-038-0.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester