Šmíd Jan, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1) Identification of concepts 2) The concept of the parliament since the Middle Ages until present times 3) Theories of representation from Tertullianus to Hobbes 4) The free mandate and the representation (E. Burke, R. von Mohl) 5) Representation and the nation (J. E. Sieyes) 6) The critique of representation in J. J. Rousseau 7) Beginning of modern theory of parliamentarism: W. Bagehot 8) Antiparliamentarian critiss: from Schmitta to Habermase 9) The crisis of parliamentarism in the postindustrial age?
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The cours will offer an overview of modern theories of parliamentarism since the Enlightment period until 60´ of 20. century. The theoretical fundaments will be analyzes in the context of the development of ideas of state and society as well as in the context of real existence of parliamentary bodies. The course will be concentrated on the understanding of the role of parlliaments in different approaches to the parliamentary democracy, the division of power and the relation between the state and the law. We will also deal analyze different theories of representation in the context of the concept of free mandate. Last but not least, the critique on parliamentarism in the modern era will be one of the major topics of the course.
Students will get following knowledge: - Use of basic concepts of the theory of parliamentarism - Understanding different approaches to the parliamentarism and the representative democracy - Understanding the philosophical and theoretical roots of basic principles of political science - Understanding the implications of different theoretical approaches on the empirical functioning of parliaments as well as of constitutional systems in general
Understanding the Englis language is a precondition; understanding of German is an advantage
Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation at the lessons, presentation, elaboration of an essay, written test
Recommended literature
Belling, V. Legitimita moci v postmoderní době. Brno, 2009. ISBN 978-80-210-5081-5.
BEYME, K. VON. Die parlamentarische Demokratie. Entstehung und Funktionsweise 1789-1999. Opladen, 1999. ISBN 3-531-13319-5.
Beyme, K. von. Politische Theorien im Zeitalter der Ideologien 1789?1945. Opladen, 2002.
HOBBES, Th. Leviathan. Praha, 2009.
kelsen, H. Problém parlamentarismu. Praha, 1926.
Schmitt, C. Die geistesgeschichtliche Lage des heutigen Parlamentarismus. Berlin, 1993.
SCHUMPETER, J. Kapitalismus, socialismus a demokracie. Brno, 2004.
Skinner, Q. O státě. Praha, 2009.
Skinner,Q. Hobbes on Representation, in: European Journal of Philosophy, 13, 2005.
Voegelin, E. Nová věda o politice. Brno, 2000.