Course: Liberal Democracy I

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Course title Liberal Democracy I
Course code KPF/N003
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study 1
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Chotaš Jiří, PhDr. Ing. Ph.D.
  • Šimsa Martin, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. What is liberal democracy? What do we understand by liberalism, what about democracy and what about the republic? Civil and human rights concept. Sources of study. 2. Democracy in Greece. Herodotos, Thukydides, Athens Democracy. Sparta. 3. Criticism of democracy by Plato and Aristotle. Sophistics, rhetoric, demagogy. 4. Democracy and republic in Rome. 5. Renaissance, republicanism, state, negative freedom - Machiavelli, Hobbes 6. John Locke's Liberalism 7. Revival of ancient democracy - J. J. Rousseau 8. American Revolution - Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Federalists x Democrats, American liberalism 9. French Revolution - Freedom, Equality, Fraternity x Conservative Critique (Burke, Arendt) 10. Kant's cosmopolitan republicanism, On eternal peace. 11. The Revival of Liberalism (J. S. Mill) 12. American democracy through the eyes of the French aristocrat (A. de Tocqueville) 13. Marxist and socialist criticism, Marx, Engels x liberal democracy x human rights

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
Introduction to the basic assumptions and theories of liberalism and democracy, beginning with ancient Greece and ending in the 19th century in the concept of liberal democracy of J. S. Mill and A. de Tocquville and Marxist criticism.
Students will get acquainted with the basics of political thought, based on citizenship and rights. It is the basis of European democracy. Simultaneously, they will acquire the ability to recognize all the threats and dangers of democracy, which are present up to now.

Assessment methods and criteria
Students will prepare 6 - 8 pages of seminar paper. The topic will be approved by the lecturer in advance. Students will select a topic based on a course timetable and they will work it out individually using literature.
Recommended literature
  • ARISTOTELES. Athénská ústava. Praha, 2004.
  • Hérodotos. Dějiny. Praha, Academia, 2004.
  • HUNTINGTON, S. P. Kam kráčíš, Ameriko? Krize americké identity. Praha, 2005.
  • Sartori, G. Teória demokracie. Bratislava, Archa, 1993.
  • Svensson, P. Teorie demokracie. Brno, CDK, 1995. ISBN 80-85959-02-X.
  • THÚKIDIDÉS. Dějiny peloponnéské války. Praha, 1997.
  • TOCQUEVILLE, de A. Demokracie v Americe, díl I a díl II. Praha, 1992.
  • VERNANT, J. P. Počátky řeckého myšlení. Praha, 1993.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Political Philosophy (A14) Category: Social sciences 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter