Moural Josef, doc. RNDr. CSc.
Tippelt Hynek, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Depends on the teacher. The first part of the two-term seminar discussing Kant´s Critique of Pure Reason is given as an example. 1. Historical and thematic introduction, text: Prologue 2 to 3 Introduction 4 to 8 Transcendental Aesthetics 9 to13 Transcendental Logic (approximately up to deduction)
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
This course is designed as a detailed seminar reading of classical texts of modern philosophy for pre-intermediate students given by the teacher. It will be shown on the example of Critique of Pure Reason by Kant.
Student is able to prepare a 45 minute lecture/lesson on any of the discussed topics, read less difficult literature (e.g. secondary school literature) and study individually less sophisticated primary and secondary literature.
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation (absence maximally 20%) Home study 1 x summary (presentation)
Recommended literature
Descartes. Meditace o první filosofii.
Hume. Zkoumání o lidském rozumu.
Leibniz. Monadologie a jiné práce.
Pascal. Myšlenky.
Spinoza. Etika. Praha, 1997.