The course will follow the Readings of ancient philosophy I. The course is designed as a detailed tutorial reading of classical texts of ancient philosophy, particularly Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Seminar readings will be supplemented with presentations of papers based on secondary literature comparing various interpretative approaches.
Students will acquire the following academic knowledge: - can explain the critical concepts of Aristotelian ethics - can read and interpret a primary text and confront it with the interpretation of the secondary literature - can explain hypotheses, methods and aims of Aristotle's inquiry in the Nicomachean Ethics - can explain the basic concepts of Aristotle's ethics in detail, his analysis of human behaviour and the structure of arete - can show the specifics of Aristotle's analysis in comparison with the broader context of Greek ethical thinking (Plato, the Stoics, etc.)
Anagnostopoulos, Georgios. A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, 2009.
Aristoteles. Etika Nikomachova.
Aubenque, Pierre. Rozumnost podle Aristotela. Praha, 2003.
Barnes, Jonathan. The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle. New York, 1995.
Broadie, Sarah. Ethics with Aristotle. New York, 1991.
Furley, David J. From Aristotle to Augustine. New York, 1999.
Gadamer, H. G. Idea dobra mezi Platónem a Aristotelem, Praha. 1994.
Graeser, Andreas. Řecká filosofie klasického období. Praha, 2000.
MacIntyre, A.. Ztráta ctnosti. Praha, 2005.
Nussbaum, Martha C. Křehkost dobra. Praha, 2003.
Pakaluk, Michael. Aristotle´s Nicomachean Ethics: an introduction. Cambridge, 2005.
Rezek, Petr (ed.). Spravedlnost jako zdatnost. Praha, 1996.
Synek, Stanislav. Lidská přirozenost jako úkol člověka: filosofická interpretace Etiky Nikomachovy. Praha, 2011.
Špinka, Š. Blaženost smrtelných bytostí: Aristotelés, in: Š. Špinka et al. (vyd.), Přístupy k etice I. Praha, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7007-430-5.
Tugendhat, E. Přednášky o etice. Praha, 2004.