Fischer Slavomil, PhDr. MBA, Ph.D.
Škoda Jiří, prof. PhDr. Ph.D., MBA
Course content
In the seminar, attention is paid to the following topics: 1.Sources of information and their classification. 2.Primary sources of information. Book sources of information, technical and scientific periodicals field. Lectures and conference proceedings, theses, doctoral and habilitation thesis. Company literature, video tapes, computer programs, internet information. 3.Recording Information - bibliographic record, a cataloging record, bibliographic citations, ISO 690 and ISO 690-2, APA. Methods of bibliographic citations. Excerpts, annotations. 4.Secondary sources of information, abstract publications, internet database, work with secondary sources of information. 5.Processing of the fifth scientific expertise texts. Content and formal requisites of scientific texts. 6. Types of theses and content of the work - the historical-comparative, cultural, empirical, linguistic, literary-scientific, methodological and didactic. 7.Information seventh preparation of the thesis. 8.Literature search in the preparation of the thesis and its function. Executing a diploma, formal division of the thesis. 9. Details empirical dissertations - research problem and its formulation, the type of research problem, the characteristics of the research field, the formulation of specific objectives, research questions and research hypotheses. Types of empirical research. 10.Analysis of individual parts of the thesis. The rules applicable to the preparation of figures, graphs, charts and other graphical components published in professional texts. 11.Testimonials theses, their structure, focus, rated elements. 12.Master's thesis and its course
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
- unspecified
- 30 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The seminar introduces students to the generally accepted principles of design, implementation and organization of the thesis, and that both the formal and in terms of content.
Student focuses on primary and secondary sources of information, it can use information sources and database tools for literature search and information preparation of the thesis. Student controls and applying formal rules for creating theses and other scientific texts. Can formulate a research design their thesis, to carry out research, process data, adequately interpret and discuss the results obtained. Students are able to prepare the defense of his thesis and respond to comments supervisor and the opponent in checks.
no precondition.
Assessment methods and criteria
Student to gain control study, a literature review prepared studied the topic, prepared the theoretical background work and research project that will be implemented within the GW.
Recommended literature
Disman, M. Jak se vyrábí sociologická znalost. Praha: Karolinum. 1993. 1993.
Martin, P., Bateson, P. Úvod do metodologie a měření chování. Portál 2009.
Miovský, M. Kvalitativní přístup a metody v psychologickém výzkumu. Praha: Grada, 2006.
PF UJEP. Směrnice děkana č. 5/2017 - Vedení, psaní a odevzdávání kvalifikačních prací na PF UJEP.. 2017.
Punch K.F. Základy kvalitativního šetření. Portál 2008.
ŠVAŘÍČEK, Roman, ŠEĎOVÁ, Klára. Kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogických vědách. Praha: Portál, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7367-313-0..
UJEP. Směrnice rektora č. 8/2016 Ke zveřejňování závěrečných prací. 2016.