Ospalíková Iveta, Mgr.
Bitalová Kamila, Mgr.
Course content
Seminar topics: Seminar topics: 1. Development of sexuality, sexual behavior and what influences it. Education in this area - creation of an educational program on a given topic 2. Women's and men's rights, gender equality. Legislation and rights in the field of contraception, abortion, sterilization and artificial insemination. The importance of female integrity (FGM, violence against women) - the functioning of mass media and marketing, legislation and aid organizations in this area 3. Children's rights, rights of hospitalized children, CAN syndrome, sexual violence - legislation and raising awareness of the issue, prevention and aid organizations, 4. LGBT (Q, A, I) + ? comparison of legislation in the Czech Republic and in the world, phases of coming out, transition and progress, helping non-profit organizations, marketing and pressure on society, legislation and current events in politics 5. Sexual disorders and paraphilias ? division of paraphilias, their diagnosis and treatment, life with paraphilia 6. How do social media work in selected areas? How to create an intervention / education program, cooperation with organizations, functioning of mass media, positive and negative influencing of public opinion
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The subject is theoretical and practical. It acquaints students with the philosophy of individual and family health with an emphasis on reproductive health. It prepares the student for one of the basic competencies of sex education, education for responsible partnership and parenthood. It informs about methods and procedures of sex education with regard to the diversity of age groups, students prepare individual topics of education for individual developmental periods during the whole life of the individual.
Expertise: The student knows the current state of sexual and reproductive health of individuals in the Czech Republic. They are able to explain the importance and development of sexuality in an individual from an ontogenetic point of view. He / she has knowledge about methods of education for family planning with regard to the age of the educated. He / she is well informed in the issue of reproductive and sexual rights of men and women, and the rights of children. They know the principles of social marketing and its rules can be used in education for reproductive health. Professional skills: The student is able to practically prepare and plan a project of a lecture / workshop on the topic of reproductive and sexual health of a selected community and a selected age group, gained practical experience with a lecture on the topic of reproductive health.
Assessment methods and criteria
80% participation in seminars Elaboration of individual work according to the assignment Evaluation methods: Credit ? participation in classes, preparation of individual work according to the assignment, creation of an intervention / educational program
Recommended literature
DONÁT, J., DONÁTOVÁ, N. Důvěrně a otevřeně o sexualitě. Praha: Fortuna, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7169-990-4.. ISBN 978-80-7169-990-4.
FIFKOVÁ, H., HRICZ, M., JARKOVSKÁ, L. et al. Sexuální výchova - vybraná témata. Praha: VÚP a MŠMT. 2009..
KUŽELOVÁ, M. Co by měla sestra vědě o antikoncepci. Praha: Levret s.r.o, 2005. 2005. ISBN 80-903183-7-1.
PETROVIČOVÁ, J., ŽIRKOVIČ, D. Co mám vědět o sexu-po pravdě a bez ostychu. Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 2003. ISBN 80-253-0042-0..