Course: Nursing care in Neurology for children

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Course title Nursing care in Neurology for children
Course code KO/PND2
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Rennerová Ladislava, MUDr.
  • Radošová Alena, Mgr.
Course content
Lecture topics: (3 hours/week) 1. Ischemic stroke. 2. Hemorrhagic strokes 3. Vertebrogenic diseases - intervertebral disc prolapse, degenerative stenosis. Brain tumours in adults and children, spinal and spinal cord tumours. 4. Craniocerebral traumas, spinal cord injuries. 5. Infectious diseases of the nervous system. 6. Peripheral nerve injuries, isthmus syndromes. Hydrocephalus in children and adults, normotensive hydrocephalus. Seminar topics: (2 hours/week) 1. General assessment of the patient in neurology by the nurse (physical examination, assessment of consciousness). Examination methods in neurology (preparation of the patient for examination, post-examination monitoring). 2. Nursing care of the stroke patient in the acute, subacute and rehabilitation phase. Nursing care of the patient with vertebrogenic disease. Nursing care of a patient with meningitis, encephalitis. 3. Nursing care of patients with brain, spinal cord, spinal cord tumours. 4. Nursing care of a patient with multiple sclerosis. Nursing care of the patient with normotensive hydrocephalus. 5. Nursing care of the patient with epilepsy. Nursing care of the patient with migraine. 6. Nursing care of patients with degenerative diseases of the nervous system (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Nursing care of the patient with degenerative nervous system disease.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course is designed as a theoretical and practical unit, which initially focuses on the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, bones covering the nervous system, muscles of endocrine glands related to the nervous system. The student will become familiar with clinical conditions in terms of nursing care and needs of children of all ages altered by diseases affecting the nervous system that significantly affect quality of life.
Expertise: The student knows the causes, etiology, and symptoms of various diseases of the nervous system. The student knows the basic procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. The student can describe the specifics of nursing care of pediatric patients with neurological disease. Vocational Skills: The student can develop a nursing care plan in the context of the specifics of neurological disease. The student can develop an educational plan for patients with selected neurological diseases. General Competencies: The student is able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in providing the nursing process for individual neurological diseases in clinical practice.

Assessment methods and criteria
80% participation, test at least 75% success rate, preparation of educational material on the assigned topic, oral examination
Recommended literature
  • DOSTÁLOVÁ, L., GÁL, O., HAGAROVÁ, A. et al. Současné trendy v rehabilitaci pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou. Olomouc: Solen, Medical education, [2016]. Meduca. ISBN 978-80-7471-172-5.
  • KEJKLÍČKOVÁ, I. Logopedie v ošetřovatelské praxi. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s., 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-2835-3.
  • MARKOVÁ, M., FENDRYCHOVÁ, J. Ošetřování pacientů s tracheostomií. Brno: Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, 2009. ISBN 80-7013-445-3.
  • SEIDL, Z. Neurologie pro studium i praxi. 2., přeprac. a dopl. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2015. ISBN 978-80-247-5247-1.
  • SLEZÁKOVÁ, Z. Ošetřovatelství v neurologii. Praha: Grada, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-4868-9.
  • ŠINÁGLOVÁ, Z. Ošetřovatelská péče v neurologii: studijní opora. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7464-249-4.
  • TYRLÍKOVÁ, I., BAREŠ, M. et al. Neurologie pro nelékařské obory. 2. rozšířené vydání. Brno: Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7013-540-2.. ISBN 978-80-7013-540-2.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester