The subject "Nursing Care in Gynaecology and Obstetrics" is a theoretically - practical one which introduces the students to the conception of the field of women care across the spectrum of physiological and pathological risk states. It is focused on gynecological and obstetrics care at the same time taking the advantage of the knowledge of the interdisciplinary study of other subjects (anatomy, physiology, the Latin language, nursing, professional training ...). Nursing process is focused on the physiological situation (a pregnancy, a childbirth and the postpartum period), in particular, on pathological states where the basic needs of women should be met.
Subject Knowledge: Students describe female reproductive system Students explain the menstrual cycle Students know basic investigative methods used in GYN - OBS field Students educate women before the expected gynecological surgery Students evaluate a physiological pregnancy, a childbirth and postpartum Professional Skills: Students will evaluate current physical condition of women in gynecological expertise Students implementa nursing process for women undergoing gynecological surgery Students can educate pregnant women by means of prenatal counselling Students provide education on breastfeeding
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