Kubová Nela, Mgr. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
Seminar Topics: (2 hours / week) 1. Review of basic IT knowledge: Information and its units, HW and SW. Principles of internet work, browsers, DNS, viruses and antiviruses, e-mail. 2. E-learning: Functions and types of e-learning system, access to e-learning at the faculty (Moodle) respectively. at other faculties with a similar focus (MEFANET). 3. MS-Office for Advanced: Copy of formats, use of Ctrl + H for replacements, PowerPoint (slide transitions, use of animations). 4. Word: Dividing a document into sections and different types of page numbering in sections, titles and content generation, citations and literature review. 5. Excel: Automatic completion of the sequence, use of partition anchors, copying using the lock symbol, multi-criteria sorting of data. Excel: Functions = sum, selected text and logic functions, bar, circle, line, point graph and graph editing - scaling, axis description changes. 6. Information systems (IS) in health care and hospitals (functions, demonstrations), eHealth concept, principles and examples of telemedicine use.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to teach the user and professional approach to informatics, computer technology and to learn about its use in healthcare. It will provide the basis for using various software files, word processing and data processing.
Expertise: Students will learn about modern possibilities of using IS (information technology in general) in the area of health and social care. They will master the basic concepts associated with e-health and telemedicine. Professional skills: Students are able to use advanced computer technology in commonly available computer applications
Assessment methods and criteria
The basic prerequisite is the attendance (min. 70% participation in direct teaching). The credit will be given based on the practical examination (computer skills and knowledge).
Recommended literature
Datový standard pro předávání dat mezi informačními systémy zdravotnických zařízení, http://www.dastacr.cz/.
Health Level Seven?INTERNATIONAL, http://www.hl7.org/.
MUNZ, J. Informační technologie ve zdravotnictví: informační systémy. Praha: ČVUT, 2011, 304 s., ISBN 978-80-01-04720-0. Praha: ČVUT, 2011. ISBN 978-80-01-04720-0.
STŘEDA, L. & HÁNA, K. eHealth a telemedicína: učebnice pro vysoké školy. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2016, 159 s., ISBN 978-80-247-5764-3.
TÁBORSKÝ, M & ROUBÍK, L. Současný stav a potřeba budoucího rozvoje eHealth v České republice. In: Novinky v kardiologii 2016. Praha: Mladá fronta, 2016, s. 370-385, ISBN 978-80-204-3984-0.