Course: Application in Mathematical Education

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Course title Application in Mathematical Education
Course code KMA/M402
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study 2
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction unspecified
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Eisenmann Petr, doc. PaedDr. CSc.
Course content

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to learn students to create quality application problems. These problems can show importance and usefulness of mathematics education.


Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • HEJNÝ, M. a kol. Teória vyučovania matematiky 2, Slovenské pedagogické nakladatelstvo, Bratislava, 1989.
  • HEJNÝ, M., KUŘINA, F. Dítě, škola a matematika, Portál, Praha, 2001.
  • KOWAL, S. Matematika pro volné chvíle, SNTL, Praha, 1986.
  • PERELMAN, J.I. Zajímavá algebra, SNTL, Praha, 1985.
  • SCHUPP, H. Thema mit Variationen oder Aufgabenvariation im Mathematikunterricht, Verlag Franzbecker, Berlin, 2002.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Science Study plan (Version): Teaching of mathematics for Secondary schools (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer