The aim of the course is to provide the students with a systematical survey of the subject matter taught at comprehensive school level, particularly in the areas of combinatorial analysis and probability. The course also intends to acquaint the students with ways of determining and describing correlations in the field of statistically immutable random experimentation as well as with ways of applying some of the most salient probability models. Random events and processes simulation will also be dealt with during the course. The students are expected to have a working knowledge of the subject matter covered by preceding courses in algebra and mathematical analysis. The course is a follow-up to the Probability and Statistics I course, and its focus is predominantly on the methods of information extrapolation from the selected partial set to the core set. As for methods employed in the field of mathematical statistics, the following issues will be dealt with: point and interval parameter estimates in elementary probability distributions, the testing of hypotheses relating to parameters in normal distribution, the approximate testing of parameters in some other types of distribution (using data from one or two random selections), some non-parameter tests, linear regression, and some issues related to the correlation of random variables.
CIHLÁŘ J., PELIKÁN Š. Pravděpodobnost - cvičení, PF UJEP, Ústí nad Labem, 1996.
CIHLÁŘ J., PELIKÁN Š. Statistika - cvičení, PF UJEP Ústí n/L 1987, skriptum.
CIHLÁŘ J. Statistika, PF Ústí n/L 1982, skriptum.
HEBÁK P., KAHOUNOVÁ J. Počet pravděpodobnosti v příkladech, SNTL Praha, 1978.
MCCLAVE J. T., DIETRICH F.H. Statistics, Dellen Publishing Compeny, San Francisco, 1988.
PELIKÁN Š. Pravděpodobnost a statistika I, PF UJEP, Ústí nad Labem, 2003.
PELIKÁN Š. Základy pravděpodobnosti a statistiky, PřF UJEP, Ústí nad Labem, 2007.