1. About the seminar work and how to write it. 2. Use of citations in historical studies. 3. Narrative sources and their fates - The Kristian's legend 4. -5. Social and cultural anthropology (report on C. Lévi-Strauss, Thinking of natural nations, introduction, commented readings from C. Lévi-Strauss: Sad tropics 6. Historical demography (report on J. Horský - M. Seligová, Family of our ancestors, explanations) 7.-8. Diplomatic sources - two letters of Wenceslas I. for the city of Brno and their testimony to the problems of medieval law (commented reading of two writings from 1243, explanations to development of medieval law, commentary on the Sachsenspiegel autography from Heidelberg) 9. Historical semantic (report on I. Němec: Words and history or History of speech, explanation on the role of J. Macek, example of a testimony of historical semantic - housing and house in Czech Medieval Ages) 10. Toponomastics (report on V. Šmilauer, Settlement of Bohemia in the light of local names, explanation) 11. Anthroponomastics (report on J. Beneš: About Czech Lastnames, explanation on patrocinial studies and possible political and cultural relations of preferred personal names) 12.-13. Outsiders (about the importance of problematics, F. Graus, minorities in history - Jews, Roma) 14. Hunger and walth in the history of Europe (report on M. Montanari's work, explanation)
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