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Course code KHI/PSD2
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Drška Václav, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
A two-semester course whose goal is to give the students the knowledge of the selected problems of the modern Medieval studies and studies of early Modern Age. The lectures stress methodology and possibilities of critical interpretation of selected sources to each topic. The goal of the seminar is to tell the students the basic sources and the source editions of the given topics and also to demonstrate the possibilities of their critical analysis and the influence to the professional discourse.


Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Bednaříková, J. Stěhování národů. Praha, 2003.
  • Brooke, Ch. Evropa středověku v letech 962-1154. Praha, 2006.
  • Collins, R. Evropa raného středověku. Praha, 2005.
  • Drška, V. - Picková, D. Dějiny středověké Evropy. Praha, 2004.
  • Franzen, A. Malé církevní dějiny. Praha, 1995.
  • Huizinga, J. Podzim středověku. Jinočany, 1999.
  • Keller, H. Ottoni. Praha, 2004.
  • Lawrence, H. Dějiny středověkého mnišství. Brno, 2002.
  • Le Goff, J. Intelektuálové ve středověku. Praha, 1999.
  • Le Goff, J. Kultura středověké Evropy. Praha, 1991.
  • Mundy, J. Evropa vrcholného středověku. Praha, 2008.
  • Rapp, F. Svatá říše římská národa německého. Praha - Litomyšl, 2007.
  • Suchánek, D. - Drška, V. Církevní dějiny. Antika a středověk. Praha, 2013.
  • Suchánek, D. - Drška, V. Církevní dějiny. Novověk. Praha, 2018.
  • Tauer, F. Svět islámu. Praha, 1984.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Education Study plan (Version): Teaching of History for Secondary Schools (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Teaching History for Middle School (Single Subject) (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): History with Education Emphasis (Two Subject Combination) (A14) Category: Pedagogy, teacher training and social care - Recommended year of study:-, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): History (Single Subject) (A14) Category: History courses 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer