Course content
1. Nobility in the 17th century as a research topic - introduction of basic literature and source possibilities 2. Life cycle of an aristocrat - birth, baptism, education, marriage, funeral 3. Career of a nobleman - politics, war events relationship to the monarch 4. Piety in the 17th century - recatholization, pilgrimages, funding and donations 5. Noble representation - family historiography,construction of residences and mansions, dining, festivals
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of this required elective course is to familiarize students with the everyday life of a nobleman in the 17 century. Attention will be paid especially to the situation in the Czech lands. The aim is to show the transformation of the aristocracy and its customs and to present the widest possible spectrum of manifestations of the lifestyle of the nobility in the early modern period. The course also includes the presentation of selected sources related to the history of everyday life and their subsequent analysis.
Completion of the course will broaden students' knowledge of the nobility in the Czech lands in the 17th century. The student will be able to describe the everyday life of a nobleman and will be able to interpret to a lesser extent the transformation of the nobility and its life in the 17th century. At the same time, the student will gain knowledge of extant source materials of Czech and foreign provenance and will become personally axquainted with some of these sources, thus gaining practical experience with writings typical of the early modern aristocracy.
Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in lectures, successful completion of a test related to the history of everyday life of the aristocracy in the 17th century.
Recommended literature
Bůžek, V. - Král, P. Člověk českého raného novověku. Praha, 2007.
HROCH, M., PETRÁŇ, J. 17. století - krize feudální společnosti?. Praha, 1976.
Král, P. Smrt a pohřby české šlechty na počátku novověku. České Budějovice, 2002.
Louthan, H. Obrácení Čech na víru, aneb rekatolizace po dobrém a po zlém. Praha, 2009.
Maťa, P. Svět české aristokracie. Praha, 2004.
Mikulec, J. Náboženský život a barokní zbošnost v českých zemích. Praha, 2013.
Prchal, V. Společenstvo hrdinů. Válka a reprezentační strategie českomoravské aristokracie 1550-1750. Praha, 2015.
Royt, Jan. Obraz a kult v Čechách 17. a 18. století. Praha, 1999.
Vybíral, Z. Politická komunikace aristokratické společenostvi v českých zemích na počátku novověku. České Budějovice, 2005.