The issue of the reception of the French Annales School. Crucial methods and approaches: Braudel?s long duration (longue durée), total conception of history, history of material culture (civilisation matérielle), quantitative history (histoire quantitative), immobile history (histoire immobile), serial history (histoire sérielle), history of mentalities (historical culture). American New History. "Cleometrists". New Economic History in the United States. Neo-liberalism and business history. Theory of industrial society and theory of modernization. German economic historical school. Traditional German economic and social histories. Wehler?s global teaching on history of society. The issues and methods of economic and social histories. Theory of cyclical development (Arnold J. Toynbee). History and psychoanalysis. Psychohistory. Collective experience and psychology (J. Huizinga). New methods and approaches: From macro-history to micro-history; Historical anthropology; History of the everyday and holiday; History of sexuality and family; History of childhood, old age, death; History of the everyday; Instant history; People on the edge; History of climate; History of the body; History of eating; History of science and technology. Method of oral history focused on filing of interviews; What is oral history? Verbally described image of the human past; History of oral history; Methodology of oral history; transcription, analysis and interpretation of interviews, ethical codex of oral history; legal confirmation of oral history; preserving material for other researchers; account of an interview; characteristic off-verbal expressions of a narrator; analysis and interpretation of a record - division of an interview to subject sections; hierarchizing of collected data according to their significance; selection of criteria: of contents, phenomenalistic, psychological, linguistic; Interpretation - understanding and explaining the meaning of claims passed in an interview. Contextualization; employing oral history - academic researches, educational literature, biographies, educating pupils and students, family history, regional history, exhibitions, audio-visual documents. Introduction to the issue of gender studies; Development from feminism to the concept of gender and the contemporary trends; Status of an European woman during Middle Ages; Status of an European woman from the early modern times to the 19th century; Legal amendment of the female status in the Habsburg monarchy between 1811 and 1918; Gender and family from the 19th to the early 21st centuries; Employment of women and its aspects in the 19th and 20th centuries; Education from the gender view and its development in modern society; Gender in the field of politics in modern world; Gender problems in various environments of world continents in the 20th and the early 21st centuries; The issue of gender in developed democratic societies in the 20th and the early 21st centuries; Remaining debts in the equal status of men and women at present and ways to their elimination.
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