Rak Petr, PaedDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Němec Jan, Mgr.
Course content
Tasks of Paleography, Development of the discipline and literature; Materials for writing; Development of a small capital; Old and new Roman italics; Uncial; National scripts; Carolinian minuscules; Abbreviation systems; Scripts used by papal and imperial offices; Gothic minuscules; Gothic italics; Humanistic minuscules; Humanistic italics
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
In this discipline students get acquainted with the development of Latin paleography from the beginning of Modern Times.They study particular types of documents, for which particular types of script were used. Students acquire basic knowledge of the methodology of teaching to paleography at European universities and of the digital diplomatic materials available on internet. After stuents are competent to read diplomatic and literary texts they also might study archive materials. Through modern projection technology students are presented digital archive materials stored in the North-Bohemian archives.
Students are acquainted with development of the scripts, they acquire competence to read documents written in Carolinian, Gothic and Humanistic minuscules as well as in current italics scripts.
Good knowledge of Latin and German languages.
Assessment methods and criteria
Good attendance and continual task fulfillment.
Recommended literature
Alexander HÚŠČAVA. Dejiny a vývoj nášho písma. Bratislava, 1951.
FRANZ STEFFENS. Lateinische Paläographie. Berlín, 1971.
Gustav FRIEDRICH. Učebná kniha paleografie latinské. Praha, 1898.
Ivan HLAVÁČEK - Jaroslav KAŠPAR - Rostislav NOVÝ. Vademecum pomocných věd historických. Praha, 1988.
Jaroslav KAŠPAR. O paleografické terminologii. Praha, 1990.
RAK, Petr. Paleografie I. a II. Elektronická studijní opora pro studenty se specifickými vzdělávacími potřebami . Ústí nad Labem, 2013.