1, Basic concepts, main objectives, the particularity of territorial planning and sustainable development. 2+3. History of urbanism from antiquity up to the present. Cardinal features, interdependences and trends of development of urbanism in the 19th and the 20th century. 4. The Act of Spatial Planning and Building Rules and development of legislation in the Czech republic. 5. The tools of town and country planning for regional plans and town projects - territorial-analytic fundaments and area studies. 6, Policy of spatial development and territorial documentations ? principals of territorial development, municipality plan, regulatory plan. 7. The Building offices and their activities. Territorial decision, building permit and process of approval. The Act of Expropriation for Public Purpose. 8.The public and the relations in the process of territorial planning: municipalities, the public administration and other participants.9,The development and structure of settlement in the Czech Republic. The regional development and territorial differences 10, Conception of housing and sorts of buildings.11, Civic and leisure amenities. 12, Industrial areas, brownfields and greenfields. Transport and infrastructure 13, The regulations and limits of territorial development.Protection of Cultural heritage and natural assets. 14, Transformation of countryside and landscape.
Časopis: Urbanismus územní rozvoj.
Internetové stránky MMR ČR http://www.mmr.cz.
Internetové stránky Ústav územního rozvoje http://www.uur.cz.
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