Course: Continuous Teaching Practice in Secondary School

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Course title Continuous Teaching Practice in Secondary School
Course code KFHS/K426
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Havlínová Ivana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Teaching within the subject Civic education according to the current time-thematic plans of a particular school at the time of the internship.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The goal is to enable students to gain experience in teaching the subject Civics, to gain didactic knowledge of the educational content of the subject.
Students will gain - knowledge of specific educational content - didactic knowledge of specific educational content - skills in preparation for teaching the subject Civics - skills in leading the teaching of the subject Civics - the ability to reflect on one's own teaching and self-reflection in the role of a teacher of the subject Civics
KFHS/K417 - Preparatory Seminar on Pedagogical Pracitce

Assessment methods and criteria
As part of continuous pedagogical practice at the 2nd level of the MAIOR primary school, students complete: - 4 listening lessons of Civic Education, their analysis with a practicing teacher - 8 hours of direct civic education and their analysis with a practicing teacher They will process compulsory tasks into the portfolio of pedagogical practice: - records of hospitalized hours - records of lessons learned - preparation of 8 hours and all teaching materials, tests, worksheets, etc. - records of indirect pedagogical activities within the practice - self-evaluation
Recommended literature
  • Rámcově vzdělávací program pro gymnáziální vzdělávaní. Praha, 2007.
  • Rámcově vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání. Praha, 2013.
  • Belz, H. - Siegrist, M. Klíčové kompetence a jejich rozvíjení. Praha, 2001.
  • CANGELOSI, J. S. Strategie řízení třídy. Praha: Portál, 1994.
  • Fischer, R. Učíme děti myslet a učit se. Praha, 2011.
  • Havlínová, I. Didaktické náměty pro učitele OV a ZSV. Praha, 2014.
  • Helus, Z. Pedagogicko-psychologické zdroje účinného vyučování. Praha, 1990.
  • Kyriacu, CH. Klíčové dovednosti učitele. Praha, 1996.
  • Pasch, M. Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině. Praha, 1998.
  • Petty, Ch. Moderní vyučování. Praha, 2013.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester