Course: Media seminar

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Course title Media seminar
Course code KFHS/B346
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Pokorný Vít, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1) Artefacts I: line, picture, mask, statue, sound. 2) Artefacts II. 3) Dance and ritual: connection of artefact and body 4) Word, script, text I. 5) Word, script, text II. 6) Recording techniques I. 7) Recording techniques II. 8) Typography 9) Radio 10) Comics 11) Film 12) Digital media I. 13) Digital media II. 14) Discussion

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is a "practical research" of our relationship to the media and our life in the media sphere. Students will gain the ability to rationally analyze their media experience and understand it as part of their personal and social life on the basis of their own research and theoretical discussions. The course emphasizes the connection between qualitative sociological and anthropological methods and the theoretical grasp of mediality, understood as an ambiguous co-created environment, to which we are neither passively published nor completely controlled. The course therefore seeks answers to these and the following questions: Who are we as media beings? How is society changing in the age of new media? How do we live as inhabitants of communication networks? What are the psychological, political and cultural implications of the new media? How is my personal media environment shaped?
Students will gain practical skills n the field of media cretion. They will create their own media outputs, They understand relation between media and culture.

Assessment methods and criteria
Regular work in class: preparation and analysis, collective discussion, making a media output
Recommended literature
  • FLORIDI, Luciano. Čtvrtá revoluce. Jak infosféra mění tvář lidské reality.. Karolinum, 2019.
  • JIRÁK, J., KÖPPLOVÁ, B. Média a společnost.. Portál, Praha, 2007.
  • McLuhan, H.M. Člověk, média a elektronická kultura. Jota s.r.o., Brno. 2000.
  • Postman, N. Ubavit se k smrti. Veřejná komunikace ve věku zábavy. Praha: Mladá fronta, 1999.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester