Course content
1. Introduction to microeconomics 2. Consumer's choice: Total and marginal utility 3. Consumer's choice: Utility and the demand 4. Producer's choice: Production function and costs 5. Producer's choice: Cost function and the supply in the sort run 6. Market equilibrium and efficiency 7. Imperfect markets 8. Competition and regulation 9. Markets for inputs, demand for the factors of production 10. Labor market and unemployment 11. Capital market, investments 12. Externalities and public goods 13. Microeconomic applications
Learning activities and teaching methods
- unspecified
- 26 hours per semester
- unspecified
- 52 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The course is an introduction to the standard macroeconomics theory. It covers the basic macroeconomic aggregates and the models explaining their relations in short run and long run.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: - idetify elementary microeconomic phenomena in their surrounding environment; - apply microeconomic models to explain simple social phenomena; - make use of microeconomic terminology in discussion; - understand advantages and limits of economic approach in the analysis of social reality.
Assessment methods and criteria
The midterm and final examinations are designed to assess the knowledge acquired by the students. The weight of each examination in the overall assessment is as follows: (a) Intermediate test: 40% (b) The final test constitutes 60% of the overall assessment. In all tests, the use of specialist literature and own extracts is permitted. One date will be set for the midterm test. In the event of non-attendance, the midterm test cannot be taken on the alternate date and the final test will be weighted at 100% (no apologies are required for non-attendance at the midterm test). A minimum of 60% of the available points must be attained in order to receive credit.
Recommended literature
FRANK, R. H., BERNANKE, B. S. Ekonomie, Grada, Praha 2002..
HOLMAN, R. Ekonomie, Praha, Beck 2006.
Macáková a kol. Mikroekonomie základní kurs, Melandrium Praha,. 2002.
Mankiw, Gregory, N. Zásady ekonomie, Praha, Grada. Praha, 1999.