Řebíková Barbora, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
The thematic plan of the course: 1. Introduction to philosophical and ethical thinking 2. What is ethics - ethical theories 3. What is art - contemporary art 4. Art as a cultural phenomenon 5. Visual culture and contemporary art 6. The relationship between art and ethics 7. Who is man and what is human dignity? 8. A problem of "person" 9. Contemporary artworld - the role of the spectator 10. Factors of the spectator's turn (post-production, visual culture, institutionalization) 11. Artistic experiments - contemporary participatory art 12. Experiments - areas, history, methods 13. Ethics of contemporary art - human dignity, slippery slope
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course is focused on the topic of contemporary art and current changes in the art world. In the contemporary art practice has been changed spectator's role in many ways. With the spectators is "artistic worked" on many levels and they play an important role in the curatorial intentions of the exhibitions, in the gallery programs and in all artistic events. This focus on the role of spectators has unprecedented strength and intensity. In the field of curation, this phenomenon has been named "educational turn" and in the theory of art "spectator´s turn". The course will focus on these changes in the role of the spectator in contemporary art and draw attention to the similarity of artistic experiments with experiments on people which are not ethically acceptable. The course will focus on topics such as human dignity and slippery slope.
Students will have knowledge of the main arguments of basic ethical theories and will be able to use them in area of contemporary art. They will also understand the basic ethical issues and will be able to argue.
Assessment methods and criteria
Seminar work and debate
Recommended literature
Kulka, T., Ciporanov, D., (eds.). Co je umění, Texty angloamerické estetiky 20. století. Červený kostelec, 2010.
Sokol Jan. Etika a život. Pokus o praktickou filosofii. Praha, 2010.
Thompson Don. Jak prodat vycpaného žraloka za 12 miliónů dolarů. Zlín, 2010.
Vácha Marek. Základy moderní lékařské etiky. Praha, 2012.