Fišerová Michaela, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1) Introduction to the historical period, its characteristics and specifics: the development of science and technology, industrialization, social classes and economic relations, revolutionary movements and nation states, the will of the individual and the demands of society 2) German idealism I: Johan G. Fichte 3) Friedrich W. J. von Schelling 4) German Idealism II: Johann Gottfried Herder a Johann Wolfgang Goethe 5) German Idealism III: Georg W. F. Hegel 6) Positivism: Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer 7) Utilitarianism and Liberalism: Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill 8) Social utopia and communism: Ludwig Feuerbach and Karl Marx 9) Voluntarism I: Arthur Schopenhauer 10) Voluntarism II: Soren Kierkegaard 11) Voluntarism III: Friedrich Nietzsche 12) Summarizing colloquium
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The subject offers a comprehensive insight into the defining philosphical trends of the 19th century. In a combination of lectures and text seminars, he will present the main philophical problems, schools of thought and concepts of selected philosophers, both individually and in comparison with each other and in the context of historical contexts.
Knowledge of philosophical trends of the 19th century Knowledge of representatives, their works and main Ideas of philosophical trends of the 19th century knowledge of the historical context Skills for working with philosophical texts Interpretation skills
Assessment methods and criteria
Seminar work Active participation in seminars Colloquium
Recommended literature
FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb. O pojmu vědosloví: Druhý úvod do vědosloví ; Pokus o nové podání vědosloví. ISBN 9788070072806.
Friedrich Nietzsche. Genealogie morálky: polemika, Aurora, Praha. 2002.
Hegel, G. W. F. Filosofie, umění a náboženství a jejich vztah k mravnosti a státu (pouze pasáž o dějinách), Praha. 1943.
Jaeschke, Walter, Arndt, Aaron. Německá klasická filosofie II. Prhaa. Oikoymenh, 2015.
Marx, Karl. Výrobní proces kapitálu. Díl první. Praha: Svoboda, 1978.
Mill, John Stuart. Vybrané spisy o etice, společnosti a politice I.. Praha: Oikoymenh, 2016.
Röd Wolfgang. Německá klasická filosofie I. Praha, 2015.
S. Kierkegaard. Bázeň a chvění. Praha: Svoboda, 1993.
Schopenhauer, Arthur. Svět jako vůle a představa I a II. Pelhřimov, 1997.
von Schelling, Friedrich W. J. Filosofické zkoumání svobody. Praha: Oikoymenh.