Course content
Lecture topics: 1.Introduction to the course, definition of basic concepts. 2.Passive movements. 4.Active movements, types of muscle contractions. 5.Breathing exercises. 6.Conditioning exercises. 7.Positioning. 8.Reeducation of postural functions. 9.Relaxation. Exercise topics. 1.Passive movement. 2.Active movement. 3.Conditioning exercises. 4.Breathing exercises. 5.Positioning. 6.Reeducation of postural functions. 7.Relaxation. 8.Independent student performances. 9.Independent student performance
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The course is designed as a theoretical-practical one. It introduces students to the field of physiotherapy, defines basic terminology. It provides information on the implementation of a physiotherapy plan and the goals of physiotherapy. The knowledge acquired in this course is a prerequisite for successful mastery of physiotherapy procedures.
Expertise: The student demonstrates a broad knowledge of basic concepts in the field of physiotherapy, knows basic medical history data, understands the principles of conditioning exercises, can explain the concept of short-term and long-term physiotherapy plan. Professional skills: The student can implement a unit of conditioning exercise according to a particular specification. The student is able to apply passive and active movement in basic physiotherapy procedures, can practically perform postural reeducation, positioning according to goals and use breathing exercises techniques. General competencies: The student is able to implement conditioning exercises in the different indication groups taking into account the specifics of age and environment. The student is able to apply passive and active movement in basic physiotherapeutic procedures, can practically perform reeducation of postural functions, positioning according to goals and use techniques of breathing exercises.
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit: active participation in the seminar (minimum 80% attendance), demonstration of acquired practical skills, credit test.
Recommended literature
BUCHTELOVÁ, E. Základy fyzioterapie a vyšetřovací metody I - studijní opora..
HALADOVÁ, E. Léčebná tělesná výchova. 2.vyd. Brno: NCO NZO. ISBN 9788070134603..
KOLÁŘ, P. a M. MÁČEK et al. Základy klinické rehabilitace. Praha: Galén. ISBN 978-80-7492-219-0..
LIPPERTOVÁ-GRÜNEROVÁ, M. Rehabilitace po náhlé cévní mozkové příhodě. Praha: Galén. ISBN 978-80-7492-225-1..
WAGNER, U. Polohování v péči o nemocné. Praha: Grada Publishing. ISBN 978-80-271-2053-6..