The subject is both theoretical and practical. It provides the students with basic theoretical knowledge regarding the organization of the health care in the Czech Republic: health care system. Medical facilities, basic health care, heath care system reforms, financing of health care. It describes the categories of health care providers: the system of gaining professional qualification, management of human resources and leading of medical teams, activities and competencies of the medical workers, motivation and rewarding. Important part is devoted to the the rights and duties of the patients, rights and duties of heath care providers, medical documentation and mandatory discreetness.
Subject Knowledge: Student can explain the basic terminology related to heath care, describe the system of medical facilities, financing principles. He/she knows the typology of medical staff based on the fields and qualification, organizational structure of medical facilities, competencies of various categories. He/she can explain human resources management in heath care, motivational elements, the possibilities of rewards for the medical staff. He/she knows basic legislative, rights and duties related to providing health care. Subject Skills: Student knows the current system of health care in the Czech Republic and knows the structure of medical facilities and their competencies. He/she understands the basic principle of financing the health care. He/she knows the current classification of the medical staff based on the field and qualification. He/she knows basic legislation and its application.
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SVOBODNÍK, P. Management pro zdravotníky v kostce . Brno:NCO NZO, 2009.ISBN 978-80-7013-498.
SÝKORA, E. Vedení lidí k vyšší výkonnosti. Praha: Europia. ISBN 80-901 186-5-8.
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ŠKRLA, P., ŠKRLOVÁ, M. Kreativní ošetřovatelský management. Praha: Advent-Orion, 2003. ISBN 80-7172-841-1..
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