The subject includes the teaching of the German professional language with a focus on the professional language in the field of healthcare. The goal is to read a professional text with understanding, as well as the ability to summarize and reproduce the main ideas and, in particular, the ability to communicate with the patient and another specialist with a similar education.
Expertise: Students can describe the human body, can characterize the most common diseases, compile and fill in a basic questionnaire for patients to identify basic anamnestic data. Professional skills: The student is able to interview patients on basic data, is able to communicate in German with a medical team. Competences: The student is able to practically interview patients on basic data, is able to communicate in German with the medical team.
DUSILOVA, D. a D. KOLOCOVA, 2004. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?, uc?ebnice ne?mc?iny pro zdravotnicke? obory. 1. vyda?ni?. Praha: Polyglot. ISBN 80-86195-33-3.. ISBN 80-86195-33-3.
HILLERT, A., MU?LLER-FAHRNOW, W. a F. M. RADOSCHEWSKI, 2007. Medizinisch - beruflich orientierte Rehabilitation. Deutscher A?rzte-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7691-1236-8.. ISBN 978-3-7691-1236-8.
KÁBRT, J., MOKROŠOVÁ, I., 1989. Lékařský slovník německo-český, česko-německý. 1.vyd. Praha: Avicenum. 585 s..
KARASOVÁ, E., 1996. Deutsch fuer Krankenschwestern. 1.vyd. Praha: Sciencia Medica. ISBN 80-85526-60-3. ISBN 80-85526-60-3.
MOKROŠOVÁ, I. a L. BAŠTOVÁ, 2009. Nemčina pro lékaře: manuál pro praxi, Praha: Grada.
MRÁZOVÁ, M. a K. MRÁZ, 1998. Deutsch in der Krankengymnastik. Mills, 84 s..